Pregnant and Terrified

Hi All

Two months ago i was diagnosed with an ectopic at 9 weeks with very few symptoms. No pain at all, just some sporadic bleeding. I ended up in surgery and had my left tube removed. I had my first period 5 weeks after surgery

I’m now pregnant again, around 4 weeks. I wasn’t expecting it to happen so quickly. While i’m happy about the prospect of having a baby, I’m also terrified in case it happens again.

I rang the EPU this morning, who said i needed a referral. I then rang my GP surgery who couldn’t fit me in for an appointment for 2 weeks. By that point i’ll be 6 weeks gone, and probably about 8 by the time the referral comes through. I’m really worried that if it is another ectopic, I may not have any symptoms again, and by the time I get a scan, I may need to have my other tube removed. I feel like I can’t relax and i’m already over analysing every little twinge

Does anyone have any advice?



Whispered congratulations!

Has your gp sent you for blood tests? I couldn’t get a scan until week 6 (and it didn’t show up anything but sac, so could not confirm a “viable” pregnancy) so I had to have repeat scan at 8 weeks where we could finally see what we needed to.

Prior to my scans my gp sent me for regular blood tests to make sure my hcg was rising appropriately which gave me some reassurance.

Also I definitely had a lot more twinges after ectopic (already had one child and didn’t recall having any twinges with him).

Try to relax is probably the best advice I can give you (but I understand it is so hard given what you have been through)

Take care and let us know how you get on.


Hi Niab,

I echo the whispered congratulations, and know as well that it can still be difficult at this early stage. I agree that you should take the opportunity to self refer yourself to the EPU. You should call the EPU directly and remind them of the previous ectopic; they should book you in for a scan at six weeks.

You can also call the GP again and ask for an urgent appointment to get a referral. As well, you can ask to see another GP at the surgery for a second opinion.

With kind regards,


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I felt terrified when I got pregnant after my ectopic.

I phoned the EPU directly and got scanned at 7 weeks- the consultant after my surgery had told me to do so if I got pregnant again.

The anxiety of ‘things could go wrong’ has stayed with me throughout my pregnancy, despite ‘normal’ scans etc.

I think having lost a baby in such a shocking way it changes your outlook. I hope it goes well for you. Keep badgering them.x

Just realised- not all EPU’s take ‘self referrals’- mine does. If yours doesn’t, waiting for a scan via the GP will be nail biting, but you are more likely to see signs of baby the later it is, so 7-8 weeks could be ok.

If you get awful symptoms though you can phone as an emergency and get scanned.