Hi all
I’ve had two ectopic pregnancies. The first ruptured my left tube at 8 weeks pregnant, and the second was on the fibrial end of my right tube. Both ectopics were incredibly different, with very different symptoms.
With the first one I started to bleed heavily at 5 weeks pregnant. I’d previously had a miscarriage at 5 weeks, and to be honest the symptoms were really similar (sorry, I don’t mean to scare people). I saw my GP and he said the bleeding pointed to a ‘textbook’ miscarriage. After a couple of days the bleeding lessened into light, watery brown spotting. But it continued for another two weeks. I kept doing pregnancy tests which continued to come back positive. I just knew something was wrong, I saw three different GPs who kept insisting that I’d miscarried, but my hormones were just taking a while to come down. I had no pain at all. Then at 8 weeks pregnant I started to get a niggling pain on the left. I requested a scan at my EPU which was refused.
The pain suddenly worsened, and I had a sudden rush of very heavy bleeding. I went to A&E, where I had a scan. It was inconclusive, but my hcg was 142, then 154 after 48 hrs, then 162 (apparently this is v low for an ectopic at 8 weeks). I was in hospital for 4 days whilst I waited for a diagnosis, and my pain had pretty much gone away. Finally a consultant scanned me and saw the ectopic straight away. I was rushed to theatre for emergency surgery, and my tube had ruptured. Apparently the bleeding had made it stick to my bowel and intestine which stopped it bleeding too much, so I only lost 500mls of blood.
My second ectopic was completely different. I had pain on the right from just over 3 weeks pregnant (so before I had my bfp). I insisted my GP gave me serial hcg bloods, but my hcg was more than doubling every 48hrs (which apparently is v unusual for an ectopic), and I had no bleeding at all. But the pain continued to get worse and I was admitted to hospital. I was there a week whilst waiting for a diagnosis. The consultants were insisting that because my hcg was doubling that it wasn’t ectopic. But again I absolutely knew that it was. Scans couldn’t see anything, except a small mass on the right but they thought it was an ovarian cyst. Very long story short, I had an exploratory laparoscopy which found an aborted ectopic on my right tube. They were able to remove it without removing or cutting into the tube, although - devastatingly - they left some behind and I needed a follow up shot of methotrexate.
This is a bit of a ramble, but my point is that you cannot rely on symptoms alone. If you suspect an ectopic you need to be so insistent and demand they scan you as early as possible. 7 weeks sounds like quite a long time to wait… I think they should be able to see an inter uterine pregnancy by 6 weeks…
I’m sorry I don’t mean to scare you. There’s a 10% risk of another ectopic, and I have everything crossed that you are in that 90%.