Did second ectopic feel the same as the first?

Hi everyone,

I just found out I’m pregnant again, just 3 months after my first ectopic pregnancy which I had surgery for (they cut open and left the tube in, other tube is completely blocked). I ovulated just 2.5 weeks ago so it’s super early! But I’ve been having mild pain on my far right side where one of my old incisions is. First time around felt different - I had cramping and it was later on than this.

I’m wondering if anyone who has had multiple EPs had similar pain and symptoms with all EPs? Did pain with the second one come on earlier than the first time? What was your experience? Or did you have a successful pregnancy but have pain from the old incisions?

Thanks so much ladies! <3

Dear LadyBear,

Whispered congratulations on your pregnancy,

After an ectopic pregnancy, finding we are pregnant again can be a mix of emotions and I can completely understand your feeling nervous. It is perfectly normal to feel scared after the ordeal you have endured. I also felt twinges and aches after my ectopic pregnancy, particularly when I next felt pregnant. My mind started racing and I was only really able to relax to some degree after my early scan.

Having said this, if you are experiencing pain I would advise speaking to your GP and whilst I do not wish to alarm you, if you experience worsening pain or any bleeding, please seek urgent medical advice.

Importantly early scans avail, we advise you contact your local EPU to inform them and book in for an early scan at around six weeks. Remind them of your previous ectopic pregnancy. This self refer route is the best route in our view, if you cannot self refer, speak to your GP who can refer you. Hopefully you will have some comfort to know you are under the radar of medical professionals right away.

Sending much love and positive thoughts,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team