When to try again ectopic now mmc :(

Had an ectopic in jan 2014 and had my left tube removed was an awful experience and wanted to conceive straight away, took us over a year but finally found out we was expecting again beginning of May, had a scan at 5 weeks which showed baby was in the womb and had a healthy hb at 6+6 weeks was so excited and thought luck was on our side this time after nearly 2 years of trying. however had a small bleed last week at almost 10 weeks went in for a scan to find out I had suffered a missed miscarriage the baby had stopped growing at 8+1 and no hb am devastated and think I’m going to go for the d&c as nothing seems to be happening and still have pg symptoms just feels so cruel was wondering if anyone in the same boat, also am worried if I try again to soon after mc, and a d&c do the chances of another ectopic go up? Not back at hospital yet and can’t quite remember what was said as I was in a bit of a mess and had gone to hospital on my own as my hubby was away x

Hi Lucy

So sorry for the rough time you are having.

I suffered an ectopic followed by a miscarriage. I have not found any literature that says either miscarriage or a D+C will increase your chances of further ectopics. Of course an ectopic pregnancy does increase your chances of a further ectopic but that is why they scan early in subsequent pregnancies.

Of course you may be so heart broken you cannot even think about TTC again but you are meant to be more fertile following a miscarriage and many people do fall quickly again. Try to console yourself that most miscarriages are nature’s way and it was not something you did to cause it.

Take care of yourself

Lucy xx

Thanks lucy for responding and your kind words, feel quite positive about our chances one minute then totally devastated the next will wait a few months I think before trying again lucy xx

In exactly same boat had ectopic in November then a blighted ovum in March but am now pregnant again have a scan 8th June can’t be happy am absolutely terrified. You’ll get there.