Time off work after methotrexate

Hi, I had an ectopic pregnancy diagnosed 1 and a half weeks ago, I was treated with methotrexate… I have been experiencing pain, heavy bleeding and fatigue. I still have further blood testes due until my hcg levels drop. I am due to go back to work in 4 days and I am not sure if I am feeling ready… it’s not that I have a physically demanding job, it’s just I don’t no weather to give myself another week of rest to get myself fully well…any advice appriciated or reassurance…how long did you take off?

Hi Beccypops123,

It’s so heartbreaking to hear of everything you have been through, and I’m very sorry for your ectopic pregnancy and loss. It is so very recent that you’ve been through both a physical and emotional trauma.

The bleeding you may experience occurs after treatment is the body’s response to falling hormone levels. Usually the bleeding after treatment lasts about a week and the begins to diminishes. Provided you are not soaking more than a pad an hour and you can manage the pain with over the counter pain relief then please try not to worry. If the pain relief doesn’t help, heavy bleeding occurs or you have an increased body temperature of more than 37°C, should seek get medical attention as soon as possible. You may consider keeping a pain diary noting when you experience the pain and where, its intensity and anything that helps like rest or pain relief such as paracetamol.

The most important thing you can do is to look after yourself right now, and to continue to monitor your symptoms. You may want to consider having a GP note to excuse you from work for a period of time, as your body works through the medication. I found this to be very important in my case, in order to monitor my symptoms and to be at home while I was recovering. While I do not want to alarm you, it can be possible to rupture with low/falling hormone levels (under 5mIU/mL is considered no longer pregnant) and it would be important to get the care that you need to be on the safe side.

During this time, please feel free to visit these board with any questions you have. They are a safe space, and we are here for you for as long as you need.



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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team.

Hi lovely. I had my mtx just yesterday but I’ve had it before. Last time I don’t know if I had different advice but they said not to drive or be on my own - I was obv high risk rupture - and emotionally I wanted closure on the process. I worked an hours drive away (albeit in a hospital!) and in the end i think i had 6 weeks off. This time I’ve managed to stay in work during the wait but I broke down yesterday. I’m exhausted, I know the mtx will tire me, so I’ve got a note for abweek off. Ive told my employer the exact reason. The dr was surprised i didnt mind ectopic on the note!! I don’t know what the future holds after that. I think I’d like to go back as soon as I can but I think it’s going to be 2-3weeks. Keep in touch xx

Thank you for your advice michelle, I will defiantly keep an eye out for any of those symptons.

Lucy888 I am so sorry to hear you are also going through a similar thing and for the second time :frowning: I think I will take next week off and ask the doctor for a note as at least it will then give me some more time to recover physically and sort my head out. Lucy you should also take some time to recover if it took you 6 weeks before I’m sure you won’t be well enough to jump straight back into work. Keep strong through this hard time… xx

Thankyou. I didn’t want to alarm you with 6 weeks but reassure you it takes varying time xx

I can’t really remember, but it took ages for my hcg to drop last time. I was a pregnancy of unknown location so think I was borderline case for mtx being suitable. I’m hoping it will drop quicker this time because im only 200 now… fingers crossed… For me, I need the hcg below 5 before I feel it is “over” then think about work. I’m getting nervous already for the day 4 bloods. X


P.s…another benefit of getting a GP note and getting it all on record is you can refer to it when you are pregnant again. Despite NICE guidelines I had a battle in my subsequent 3 pregnancies to have early reassurance scans/referral due to my history. But if it’s on the record there easy for GP to refer back etc x

When is your 4 day bloods lucy? I hope you get the drop you need to feel ‘closure’ it’s so hard, I have had 3 miscarriages in the last 2 years and now this. I do have a 5 year year old but he was a miracle born at 26weeks… so I kinda feel my body isn’t made foe pregnancy… so I feel each let down takes me a little longer to heal. I also have the problem I haven’t spoken to any family about this loss as I know they will say stop putting your body through it, but I know it’s something me and my husband really want :frowning: let me know Lucy how your bloods go. X

They were today but I haven’t been able to get the result (phone line unanswered, computer down when I did get through).

Thx x

Family and friends always have plenty to say - I wish I was better at ignoring people, but if you need the support please speak out to get it!! One thing i find hard with ectopic is because its such a long process you inevitable do need help along the way. I feel torn telling peole as they dont get the process and its tiring explaining. …do the EPT do a leaflet along those lines for emplyers and family!!!

My problem is the guilt of only having one child and feeling my body doesn’t mean for it to happen is something I get too.

Hope you feel empowered not going in tomorrow. X