Methotrexate - how long before side effects start?

Just that really. I had the injection about 14 hours ago and I feel ok.

I’m now worrying that it isn’t going to work. I’m just desperate for this to be finished , although realistically I know it will take time.

Hi Curlylocks8,

I’m so sorry to hear that you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy. It can be a confusing time, and I will do my best to help.

Everyone is different in how they respond to methotrexate and how long it takes for the HCG levels to come down. You can read a bit more on the Trust’s website about the treatment with methotrexate:

The bleeding you may experience occurs after treatment is the body’s response to falling hormone levels. Usually the bleeding after treatment lasts about a week and the begins to diminishes. Provided you are not soaking more than a pad an hour and you can manage the pain with over the counter pain relief then please try not to worry. If the pain relief doesn’t help, heavy bleeding occurs or you have an increased body temperature of more than 37°C, should seek get medical attention as soon as possible. You may consider keeping a pain diary noting when you experience the pain and where, its intensity and anything that helps like rest or pain relief such as paracetamol.

The most important thing you can do is to look after yourself right now, and to continue to monitor your symptoms. I know its challenging to say try to rest and recover, but where you can do so it’s very important. While I do not want to alarm you, it can be possible to rupture with low/falling hormone levels (under 5mIU/mL is considered no longer pregnant) and it would be important to get the care that you need to be on the safe side.

Please know this is a safe space for your thoughts and concerns, and we are here for you for as long as you need.

With good wishes,


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Thanks michele


I had the methotrexate jab on Tuesday and haven’t really had any side effects, but I know it’s working as my hcg levels had reduced from 898 to 200 and something by day 4! So hopefully you won’t get any either. I’ve felt a little more tired and I had a bad stitch sort of feeling on my ectopic side for most of day 2 and through the night, but I mentioned this to the hosp and they weren’t worried. So fingers crossed you don’t get many symptoms either.

Sending positive thoughts xxx

Hi Daisy,

Thanks for your message, sorry for your loss and I hope you’re doing well. I hope things settle for you as soon as possible.

My side effects have pretty much been like yours. I don’t feel any different to how I felt before the injection on Thursday.

Unfortunately whilst today was day 4 and I anticipated the Hcg level rising, the hospital telephoned me earlier to say the consultant isn’t happy with how they’ve risen (2147 on thurs evening to 3600 this morning) so I have to go back tomorrow for more bloods which will determine whether I have to have surgery or not. I’m keeping my fingers crossed I don’t.

Take care xx