Hi all,
My Ectopic experience started 6 weeks ago at 5 weeks pregnant. Luckily I was treated expectantly and it self resolved over the course of 3 painful weeks. It has now been 3 weeks since my HCG levels gave a negative result, and i’m awaiting the return of my periods. I’ve been using ovulation tests all of which have been negative so far, and i’ve started worrying myself now that my insides have been screwed up by the whole experience.
I was told it would be 4-6 weeks until periods returned, but I can’t stop thinking about it and wondering when I’ll be ‘working’ properly again. Has anyone had a similar experience? Xx
Sorry to hear of your loss hun, it’s exhausting and emotional and scary all at the same time , I wouldn’t know much about the periods, but I do have a question for you if you could help me out, I had hcg level tested about 2 weeks ago and they were at 103 and went back last week and they was at 31 because of this they fount a tiny ectopic and said I would probably loose it naturally but I suffer with serious anxiety and couldn’t do wait any longer so I had the injection yestoday , ? What where your hcg levels whilst waiting for your ectopic to resolve on its own ? Once again sorry for your loss
this is the worst thing that could happen to us