I had my ectopic in September this year resulting in the removal of my right tube. We’ve given it 3 months and this has been our first month trying again. I started having period type pain about a week before my period was due on other “good” side. I’m now 4 days late for my period but pregnancy tests are coming back negative. I’m still having a bit of period type cramping and yesterday and today there was a little bit of brown discharge on my knickers. I’m getting very worried that it’s all happening again but confused by the negative pregnancy test. I have a Drs appointment but not until 2nd Jan. wondered if anyone has any advice or had a similar experience? Thanks in advance x
Sorry to hear you are having a worrying time again. I just wondered how things are now and if you had spoke with the EPU?
I also had the period pains 1-2 weeks prior to when my period is due, I’m on day 31 Tomo and too scared to do a test incase it’s negative!!
Good luck to you xx
Hi, thanks for your reply, the brown spotting turned to pink and then my period eventually came the day after and is quite heavy and painful I’m glad that it’s come as at least I know there’s nothing wrong but obviously I’d have liked to be pregnant too. The plan was to relax and just take it as it comes but with being late and the pain this month it just been a bit frustrating! I guess I’ll just have to face that since my ectopic that maybe my periods are going to be unpredictable but I don’t like it as I used to know my body so well! How did it turn out for you? Here’s to better look for us all in 2015! X