Hi folks,
Yesterday a very dear friend and colleague scooted up to me on her wheelie chair in the office and asked very mysteriously if I minded if she ask me a personal question.
I said fire away (I’ve never shied away from talking about ‘feelings’, with friends anyway!).
She asked me what is was like to be childless.
She was worried because she always chats away about her kids and the problems she has, and the pain and helplessness she often feels.
I haven’t thought about this for a few years now to be honest, I am perfectly happy to listen and reassure her, I like hearing about what it’s like to bring up children. I like her kids, they’re cuties.
My reply?
I explained that being childless is a bit like being a recovering addict, you take one day at a time. Every experience you have is directly or indirectly effected by being childless. In both good and not so good ways. I don’t feel sour about other’s babies because I only wanted mine, not theirs… I don’t like tiny babies crying, it pulls me in a primevil way as a Mum.
Do I cry about it anymore? Nope. Not really.
But I still cry about my cat dying in April, he was my replacement baby and I loved him and looked after him with SO much passion.
She was satisfied with my answer, although expressed her awe, she couldn’t imagine what her life would be like without her children.
I am very impressed when people have the balls to ask me about childlessness, or have the emotional intellegence to apreciate that it must be b****y hard.
Sometimes though I find it all too much, you need to work so hard to stay strong, networks are so important, and sometimes I feel very alone.
And low and behold I find myself back here :lol: , my spiritual home!
I start to feel better, thank goodness.
Life’s not easy, life without children I guess has it’s own challenges, and when we are in the minority amongst friends and family that can isolate us can’t it…
So! There we have it, life’s not fair , but being rare can have it’s advantages too, NB The Lamb’s list lol!
Well enough ramblings from me,
sending my love out over cyber space to you all,