Recurring pain.

Hi all, I’m pregnant after an ectopic and tube removal in October 2022.

I originally went into A&E with the ectopic with a right sided burning sensation which would come and go. Had a scan as my HcG was over 5,000 and nothing seen in the uterus, laparoscopic surgery revealed the pregnancy was in my right tube (2 embryos in there).

After the surgery the burning pain went immediately but returned a couple of weeks later, so I realised it was probably not related to the ectopic pregnancy. I’ve had the pain 2/3 times a months since and doctors don’t seem very worried.

I’m now 4 weeks 2 days pregnant and have had this burning pain since I found out I was pregnant at 9dpo. It’s so triggering and making me even more anxious than I was already. I have a placement scan booked in 2 weeks time but I can’t seem to focus on anything other than this burning sensation as I’m convinced it’s ectopic again. Even though I’ve had the pain on and off since surgery.

Am I just more sensitive to pain since the ectopic? I’m so worried that I’ll lose my remaining tube.

Any input would be appreciated!

Dear Miriam,

Whispered congratulations on your pregnancy,

After an ectopic pregnancy, finding we are pregnant again can be a mix of emotions and I can completely understand your feeling nervous. It is perfectly normal to feel scared after the ordeal you have endured. I also felt twinges and aches after my ectopic pregnancy, particularly when I next felt pregnant. My mind started racing and I was only really able to relax to some degree after my early scan. It is a nerve-wracking time and you have friends here who understand how you are feeling.

I always find it difficult to advise on pain as pain levels are so subjective. If you are concerned at all I would speak to your doctor. Although I do not wish to alarm you, if the pain is worsening or you develop any bleeding, shoulder tip pain, bladder or bowel problems or feel dizzy and unwell please seek urgent medical advice.

Sending much love and positive thoughts,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

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Had my placement scan and baby is in the uterus!

Just an update incase anybody else searches for pain in early pregnancy.

Measuring a few days behind so need a rescan in 2 weeks to confirm viability so crossing my fingers that all is well then.