Hi everyone
So in September last year I had my first ever ectopic pregnancy. Found out I was pregnant & was absolutely over the moon, 2 days later I had pain in my side all day & started bleeding.
Went straight to the EPU & got told I was having a threatened miscarriage. Went back for my bloods 2 days later and got a phone call saying I’d lost my baby. a week later I went back for more bloods to check the HCG had dropped & got another phone call saying my HCG had risen & I needed a scan… long story short I had my scan and it got confirmed to me I was having an ectopic pregnancy & I needed surgery right away, the day after I had my left tube removed.
Ever since then I’ve had absolutely no hope that I would get pregnant again & then 2 days ago I took a test and got a BFP, I’m 5 weeks pregnant & absolutely over the moon.
But I can’t help but feel like I wish I didn’t know because ever since then I’ve been feeling twinges in my side where my remaining tube is (quite high up and towards my back) but I still can’t help but worry about every little feeling. I’m so scared of doing anything & I feel like even if everything is ok I’m doing myself more harm than good from all the worrying I want to just think it’s in my head but I just don’t know.
I’m just wondering if anyone else has had a similar kind of experience with pain and everything has turned out to be ok? X