After reading these forums for many months, I have decided to write my first post in the hope that I can help at least one person reading it.
Monday 22nd February 2016 was my due date and a date I will never forget. I found out I was pregnant back in June 15 and was very excited. The excitement was short lived and within two weeks I was in the operating theatre having my ruptured Fallopian tube and much wanted baby removed. That day many things changed for me in the space of hours I lost my baby, lost part of my fertility and faced my own mortality head on. Not something I would like to repeat. I think Its impossible to understand what it’s like unless you’re been in the situation.
The purpose of my story though is not to dwell on the past. I want this to be a message of hope and faith and love.
On Christmas Eve I found out that I was pregnant again, all the excitement I’d felt before was gone and replacing it was fear. Fear that it would happen again, fear of going through all the emotions again, fear that I would lose this baby in the same way. No happiness and I feel sad that it was this way but that’s life I suppose.
I had an anxious weeks wait to be scanned at 6 weeks. I packed a bag the night before the scan convinced that I wouldn’t be coming home. But all was good and the baby was in right place albeit measuring small for my dates.
I booked a private scan at 9 weeks to put my mind at rest and all was good. I am now 13 weeks and had my dating scan earlier this week. I feel far from out of the woods so to speak and worry constantly but I have accepted that this is normal now and I can’t change the past just have to work with it.
I hope that my story helps someone out there. Surround yourself with the love of your family. Have faith that it will turn out ok and never ever give up hope that one day it will turn good for you.
I will light a candle on Monday for my baby that I lost but I will never ever forget.
I still return to these forums now and then. They helped me so much in the early days after my ectopic. I feel that I owe them a lot and hope my posting this I can give a little something back.
It’s great that all is well with your scans. And wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy.
Do you mind me asking, how long after your Ep did you start TTC again?
I found out I was pregnant early Jan. I am nearly 5 weeks post op, where I also lost my baby and 1 of my tubes. Feeling pretty low and your post made me smile
I had two full cycles (and periods) after my ectopic. Not including the bleed at the time and then we started trying again. So starting trying at beginning of September and found out on fourth cycle late December that I was pregnant again.
You have made my day as all I wanted to do was to hopefully help someone in the same situation.
The early days are hard but keep smiling (very hard I know) keep going and never lose hope.
In the early days I thought I only have one tube I am never going to manage to get pregnant but just shows our amazing bodies and we only actually need one. I also had previous fertility issues so thought my chances had completely disappeared.
Thanks so much for posting. I’m 5.5 weeks pregnant after an ectopic in Oct 2015. I’m sad too that this pregnancy has started in a sad and fearful way but after an ectopic I don’t think you can feel any other way. For me I think that if I get too cocky thinking this is going to all go perfectly that I’ll jinx the pregnancy. Even though I know deep down I can’t change what’s going to happen. Your story has cheered me up! I’m waiting a week for my early scan so hopefully I can post something similar soon xx
We were trying to conceive for 9 months before the ectopic happened and then this pregnancy was just 4 months so stay positive Roses10. I am 39 so the clock is ticking for me as well but it still happened.
Thank you for your kind words it means a great deal to me.
Please update me in the future when you have that positive test which I’m very sure you will. I’m sure it feels completely out of your reach at the minute cause that’s how I felt and still can’t believe that I am actually pregnant again but no reason why you won’t.
I would love to hear your good news when it comes in time.
Thank you so much … I really will try to have hope, faith and love and have everything crossed that I can come back here to update you with positive news.
Lovely to speak with someone who has been through the same experience.
AN Amazing Testimony On A Spell Caster Who help me to get pregnant, So me and my partner have been trying for a baby for the last 5 years now and we have had no luck. I don’t have a regular cycle so it is hard for me to tell when I’m ovulating or not, but we always have sex at least 2 times a week, sometimes more. I know it can take up to a year to conceive but everyone i know who have had a baby have conceived within 2-3months of trying and it is really getting to me. my partner had a fertility test about a year ago and his sperm were fine. I’m thinking it could be a problem with me but I’ve never had any symptoms of any problems. My partner does smoke and have the occasional Priest ink, and i used to smoke and also have the occasional Priest ink. i know i’m slightly overweight but that shouldn’t affect our chances too much,one faithful day my friend told me to contact a spell caster that help her aunty, then i contact the man on this email: , after three months the doctor confirm that i am pregnant thank you Priest Babaka for helping me get a baby, I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email: if you are trying to get a baby or want your lover back. he has powers to do it, he has done mine
I’m lying in bed at home and its my 3rd day post op. I’m depressed but trying to keep my spirits up. I had a miscarriage in Oct 2015 so finding out we were going to be parents was really exciting. When we learnt that I had to go for an op bcz it was an ep I felt lige had been sucked out of me.
Your story is giving me hope and faith. Initially we were told I had miscarried again and we went for 2nd opinion after a week on non stop bleeding. The the tests confirmed an ep. Fortunately I didn’t lose any of my tubes but I’m really sad for my baby. I’m due to see the Dr again in 6 weeks. We don’t know when we should start trying again.
Hopefaithlove - Thank you so much, and huge congratulations. It’s so useful to hear good news stories.
I am 6 weeks post-op and trying to concentrate on when we can start trying again.
Umnenege - I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what kind of ectopic did you have? I am yet to find someone who had the same experience that I had (the embryo for me was right at the end of my tube nearest the ovary, in the fimbriae…so they didn’t need to cut or remove tubes, they just pulled the embryo away.)
Allow yourself to be sad and to recover. The post-op period, when you can’t do much physically anyway, is a good time to really focus on looking after you. It does get less difficult, I promise
The general advice is to wait 2 menstrual cycles, or 3 calendar months, whichever comes first, before trying again.
I thought I’d update you about my story. I’m just back from my early scan after an ectopic and right tube removed in Oct 2015. They confirmed the baby is in the right place and had a little heart beat! I was so scared that I didn’t want the screen on to see until they were sure. I couldn’t see much but hopefully this might give someone else hope. Still fingers crossed until the 12 week scan. Sylv xx
this little hope story enlighten my life… right now im still under recovery after my ep surgery last march 01 2016… and i also had a miscarriage last january 2015… i hope that i would also get a healthy pregnancy in the future but im scared that this would happen again… but im still hoping… my husband and i was still hoping foe our first baby…