Hi all,
I am really hesitant to write this because I don’t want to jinx anything or sound smug - I am still worried to death - but I wanted to share in case it provides some hope to others, after I have browsed this forum so many times in search of the same.
We’ve been trying to start a family since October 2017 (that feels a ridiculously long time ago) and I have had four ectopic pregnancies with no successful pregnancies in between…until now!
After a really stressful and exhausting 2 weeks of knowing I was pregnant and being afraid every second (I hardly left the sofa), we ended up in the EPAC yesterday morning as I had spent the whole night with pain on my right side which felt very similar to previous ectopics. Amazingly, when I was scanned they found that this one has made it through and is in the right place!! We were surprised to say the least!! I kind of felt like I dreamed it this morning.
It is still really early days but whatever happens, we know it is possible!
Strangely since we found out, the pain has disappeared. I would never want to trivialise anyone’s pain because it should always be taken very seriously for us who’ve been through Ectopic pregnancy, but I did wonder if my brain was playing tricks with me somehow.
For anyone interested in the details of previous times:
Dec 18: left side. Methotrexate (x2 as first time didn’t work)
Jun 19: left side. Surgery to remove left tube
Dec 19 (we really were unlucky with Christmas 18 and 19!!): right side. Methotrexate again
Feb 20: had a HSG test which showed no blockage on the right side so we were told to try again.
July 20: expectant management as levels were already falling by the time I went to the EPAC with pain and bleeding.
PS: this may be a strange thing to say but I have sometimes felt guilt for keeping trying. Some may look at this history and wonder why we kept putting ourselves through this and costing the NHS each time. I think it is a very personal thing but we were told again and again we do not qualify for IVF as I keep falling pregnant, and it seemed like the only option for us was to try again