Pregnant after 4 ectopics - hope

Hi all,

I am really hesitant to write this because I don’t want to jinx anything or sound smug - I am still worried to death - but I wanted to share in case it provides some hope to others, after I have browsed this forum so many times in search of the same.

We’ve been trying to start a family since October 2017 (that feels a ridiculously long time ago) and I have had four ectopic pregnancies with no successful pregnancies in between…until now!

After a really stressful and exhausting 2 weeks of knowing I was pregnant and being afraid every second (I hardly left the sofa), we ended up in the EPAC yesterday morning as I had spent the whole night with pain on my right side which felt very similar to previous ectopics. Amazingly, when I was scanned they found that this one has made it through and is in the right place!! We were surprised to say the least!! I kind of felt like I dreamed it this morning.

It is still really early days but whatever happens, we know it is possible!

Strangely since we found out, the pain has disappeared. I would never want to trivialise anyone’s pain because it should always be taken very seriously for us who’ve been through Ectopic pregnancy, but I did wonder if my brain was playing tricks with me somehow.

For anyone interested in the details of previous times:

Dec 18: left side. Methotrexate (x2 as first time didn’t work)

Jun 19: left side. Surgery to remove left tube

Dec 19 (we really were unlucky with Christmas 18 and 19!!): right side. Methotrexate again

Feb 20: had a HSG test which showed no blockage on the right side so we were told to try again.

July 20: expectant management as levels were already falling by the time I went to the EPAC with pain and bleeding.

PS: this may be a strange thing to say but I have sometimes felt guilt for keeping trying. Some may look at this history and wonder why we kept putting ourselves through this and costing the NHS each time. I think it is a very personal thing but we were told again and again we do not qualify for IVF as I keep falling pregnant, and it seemed like the only option for us was to try again :slight_smile:

Hi Natalie42,

Whispered congratulations and big hugs. You have been through so much and you deserve this happy moment. And thank you for sharing with us. It provides hope for so many of us.

Take good care of yourself during these early days.

With good wishes,


The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

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Thank you Michele. We went back this morning at 7 weeks and saw the heartbeat pumping away! Finally feels a bit real and we are discharged from EPAC now so only need to go back at 12 weeks :slight_smile:

This is amazing! Massive congrats to you.

Congratulations I am really happy for you. I suffered two ectopics and one miscarriage myself. Have safe journey