Is there any hope after 4 ectopics?

Hello ladies,

I am currently suffering from my 4th ectopic pregnancy.

The 1st was my left tube, expectant managed

2nd left tube again 4 months later, resulting in removal

3rd, 3 months later v early suspected right tube due to pain and bleeding, but HCG came down before they could find anything

4th now, 6 months later, the dr believes there is one forming in my right tube, right next to my uterus. It was so close, it’s heartbreaking

My HCG is rising too slowly (around 50% every 48 hours) and now I’m only at 1051 at 5+6 weeks.

I’m absolutely heartbroken, just feel so desolate and can’t quite get over how unlucky and how unfair this is.

I believe the dr will recommend methotrexate to me if my blood continues to rise, but I’m really struggling to find any success stories for anyone in my position.

Is there any hope? Should I just give up?

Only you ladies who have been through this can possibly understand where I am mentally and physically right now…

Is there anyone out there with any insight or experience on this?

Hey I am so sorry you’re going through this. It is such an awful time for you.

I’ve had two ectopics one I had my left tube removed and for my second I had a dose of methotrexate.

I’ve just found out I’m pregnant again and I’m booked in to have an early scan, but I’ve got a horrible feeling that this is another at ectopic as im getting the same pain :frowning: so it’s a waiting game.

One thing my doctor said to me last time I had one is don’t give up,it makes you stronger.

I found that if I took the option to of had my right tube removed instead of taking the methotrexate, I think I would of regretted it of knowing I still had another chance.

I really am so sorry it must be such a horrible heartache for you x

Hi, thank you for replying.

I’m waiting to go in and see the doctor now to see if there is any more insight. The waiting game is just so hard.

I’m so sorry that you are also going through this journey. It’s all heartbreaking.

Have you had any pain or bleeding etc? I have been bleeding the entire time with this one and I can no longer distinguish on pain because I’ve had pain since my operation. Also, I’ve got a corpus luteum cyst this time which I’ve heard can also cause pain and bleeding?

I don’t know I guess I’m holding out for a miracle really but don’t think I’ll get one. X

Sorry I just Read that you said you are having pain.

I know it’s hard (impossible) but try to just rest and sleep a lot. The pain could be normal pregnancy pain and this could be it for you!! Your time might have arrived.

Try to stay positive until you know more.

Keep me posted x

Thank you I will do.

Same for you I hope it goes ok and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you x

Hey, any news? Been thinking about you and hope you’re ok? X