Bit of a shocker here for me this morning.
Pregnancy test has two lines. I’m pregnant.
I’m totally not trusting anything yet because I was only told in January (2020), that I’ll only conceive again via IVF.
My second pregnancy was my first ectopic pregnancy, which was exactly 13 years ago. It was in my right tube, it ruptured and was promptly removed.
I had 3 more babies without any problems, with the exception of ttc them over 12mo each.
We started trying to conceive again 4 years ago, and after 12 months of ttc, I had my second ectopic, in my left tube. This was treated with 2x lots of methotrexate.
After that, we continue on trying, but nothing happening. We saw a fertility specialist, who sent me off for bloods; all fine, my eggs are all fine, etc. Except for the HyCoSy… they couldn’t see a clear tube, it was blocked. So my FS tells me the only way I’ll conceive again is via IVF. This was greatly upsetting, as you’d imagine. What a way to begin 2020!
So today I did a pregnancy test, because my period is late; cycles are 23-27 days, with the very rare once a year cycle of 31 days. Cycle day 33 today and pregnancy test is positive.
I’m shocked and in disbelief. It doesn’t feel real (although the nausea is!).
How can this have happened, when my remaining tube was supposedly blocked only last December (which is why I’m not yet trusting this pregnancy just yet).
I’ve been yearning for another baby for over 5 years, and have slowly come to accept this year that it’ll likely won’t happen. But has it?
Not entirely sure what I’m posting this for. Support, hope, honest advice?
Off to see a Dr this arvo for HCG bloods, and I’ll be pushing for them every 2 days, as well as having a scan soon too.
I’m hoping this is all gonna be okay, that my ‘just one more’ will finally be on their way, but I’m not dreaming or planning anything yet, just hoping. As anyone having gone through pregnancy loss knows, you definitely put a wall up to guard yourself from getting attached just yet.
Please don’t be an ectopic. Please!
Apologies if this post is a bit all over the place, but as you could possibly imagine, I’m a little in shock.