Please be positive Ladies, not always gloom....

Hi Ladies…

I had an early miscarriage followed by a tubal ectopic early this year within two months of each other, my left tube was removed and i remember how sad and demoralized i was, a lot of thoughts swimming through my mind, what if my remaining right tube is the bad one? will i need a HSG? what if i have another ectopic and they take away my remaining tube? i even posted the questions on this forum, i decided to give my self a break and try again, i had to keep positive and have faith, in april i started trying and found out i was pregnant in august, i was cautiously optimistic, all i wanted to know was if the baby was in the right spot, an early scan at 5 weeks showed this, that was enough for me, i was not even worried about miscarriage because i just found the strength to be positive, 2 weeks later a follow up scan shows i’m having twins, they found 2 babies with heartbeats.

From thinking i may never conceive again to having twins, this just further cemented the fact that we don’t need two tubes, one will do… also IVF is an option if no tubes, please try and get positive strength and things will all fall into place and happen when it’s supposed to,

I hope this helps someone out there.

Thanks for your story i had ectopic 2 months ago. Currently waiting for 2nd af to ttc again.

After my ectopic i was devastated. Depressed and became consumed with forums. After a few weeks i had this overwhelming feeling that when i did concieve it would be twins. I’ve never be 1 to " want" twins. However I’d be happy to just have a healthy pregnancy/ baby.

Congrats h&h9m

Dear Tam,

Congratulations on your pregnancy with twins, that is such happy news.

Than you so much for you heartfelt post and giving hope to so many.

Sending much love,

Karen x

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you’re welcome ladies, we are strong, we all need to keep trying and never give up, it will happen.

Hi Tam,

Thank you so much for your positive post. I am so pleased for you and your happy ending.

This fills me with lots of hope.

I had a ruptured ectopic 17 months ago and have just this week finally had a positive pregnancy test. I’m so nervous and worried about all the things that could go wrong. I’m trying my hardest to stay positive and not let the negative thoughts take over!


Such a positive story :slight_smile: You gave me hope. Thank you for sharing :slight_smile:

Hi Vailg,

I’m so sorry just replied, been busy at work and stepped away from the forum for a while, in my case i called the GP immediately , made a same day appointment and explained my history, i was then referred to the EPU as EPU and A and E don’t take self referrals, I believe the book a date between 5-6 weeks as this is when the sac is visible, you will not be able to see anything earlier than that, but before the scan just be on the look out for anything irregular, like bleeding and really bad cramps…

I’m sure you have been able to arrange things since im just replying, congratulations and good luck…