Hi all
MI’ve posted on here a couple of times before, I had an ectopic pregnancy diagnosed in May with surgery to remove my right tube in June.
Was due to undergo tests at the beginning of October however much to my surprise even though me and my partner were not trying and I did try to avoid ovulation I must’ve ovulated late and ended up with a positive pregnancy test which a week later ended unfortunately.
During that time I was experiencing pain and some bleeding so I went to the EPU and they scanned me couldn’t see anything in the uterine cavity but they did say they spotted something very small near my left tube the second time I went to get scanned this was no longer seen, my lining had got thinner and then my blood hcg levels went on to reduce as well to non pregnant levels. Fast forward to yesterday and I had a hycosy scan To check my remaining left tube and lining which was ridiculously painful for me and the doctor wasn’t very happy with how the dye was flowing out of the tube. I Was obviously very worried so I managed to get a telephone consultation with my fertility consultant yesterday afternoon and she said my tube could be blockage and it’s a possibility that my recent miscarriage was a small ectopic and something could still be there disturbing the tube, They are going to be repeating the scan but a HSG this time under a x-ray then review the situation again.
I’m just so scared now I’ve only got one tube left I’ve potentially had to ectopic‘s possibly one in my remaining tube that I’ve got left which now could’ve caused inflammation there. I know I kind of need to wait until more tests have been done to know but I just wondered if anybody is been through something similar.
I have a beautiful little girl who is three years old so IVF would never be offered to me under the NHS and I couldn’t afford it privately i’m just so scared that this is the end of the road for me with wanting another baby.
On top of all of this I have issues with my lining being thin so it’s just literally been one thing after another this year and it’s really starting to affect my mental health.
Any positive stories around this would be greatly appreciated I feel like I just need a little bit of hope now or any advice of someone that’s been in a similar situation would be lovely.
This is a rather long post so if you have read this I really do appreciate it but just wanted to give my background story
Thanks xxx