Positive test 2 weeks after tube removal

Hi. I had my ectopic pregnancy removed along with my Fallopian tube exactly two weeks ago. I was 6.5 weeks at the time and there was a heart beat. I took a test today to ensure my levels had fallen and the clear blue showed pregnant 2-3 weeks. Surely my hcg levels should have fallen by now? I have not had sex since the surgery and so this can’t be a new pregnancy. Five days ago I suffered excessive bleeding (large clots half the size of my hand and soaking pads every thirty mins) After ten hours of this and almost collapsing my husband took me to the doctor who seemed unconcerned and just gave me so acid tablets to reduce the bleeding. These worked and the bleeding got lighter and is now manageable, however I am still bleeding even now. The scan I had which informed me of the ectopic was a private one and as I had no bleeding or pain at the time, was a complete shock. I do remember the woman saying I had a tiny sac in my uterus as well as an ectopic in my right tube but with all the commotion I was just ordered to a and e and was operated on immediately. Nobody said anything about this sac and so I just assumed it was fluid and assumed it would pass on its own. Anybody got any ideas? Surely this sac was never viable in the first place? EPU have said to go in tomorrow for a scan as they would not expect a test to be showing positive 2 weeks after removal of a tube. So freaked out!

Any update on how the scan went?

Dear Cjh32,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss and your continued worries.

I was just wondering how you were doing following your scan and I thought I’d provide you with some general information regarding recovery from surgery.

Experiencing an ectopic pregnancy is a huge ordeal and you are in the early stages of recovery. Your body needs time to heal from your surgery which is in itself a gruelling task. You have also had to process the loss of your baby and been through an immense rollercoaster of emotions - all of this will take time to come to terms with.

You should take it very easily for about six weeks after surgery. Your body will be using its energies to heal internally. It is normal to feel physically and emotionally exhausted during this time and please do be kind to yourself. Recovery can take time and some days will be better than others, one day you maybe ok and the next you maybe in discomfort or more emotional. This is perfectly usual and the healing process will go back and forth in this way for however long you need. It is important to listen to your body’s signals and pain and feeling tired are your body’s signs to tell you to rest. We suggest keeping a healthy balanced diet, drinking lots of water and resting. Once your wounds have healed, very gentle exercise such as a short walk can help, but please do take this slowly.

Sending much love,

Karen x

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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team.

Hi, thank you so much for replying. Yes at my scan I got very unexpected results. A second pregnancy was found. Gestational sac, yolk and embryo (with no heartbeat) Due to the presence of a pseudo sac at the time of my original diagnosis with the tubal ectopic, they believe that this was in fact a double pregnancy (heterotopic) They told me this is EXTREMELY RARE and happens to 1 in 30,000 women. I was absolutely shell shocked and have been hysterical ever since. The sonographer had to get a second opinion and the internal scan took ages. In the end three people had to scan me, one being the superintendent. They have told me that this pregnancy is in the lower segment of my uterus and have booked me in for a rescan on Thursday next week, although they don’t think it will be good news due to this low position and the fact that I’m bleeding (although I’ve been bleeding for two weeks since my original surgery/tube removal. So after going through one tubal ectopic two weeks ago, I’m now possibly going to have to go through a miscarriage in the upcoming week. Funnily enough I took a test this morning and it said pregnant 1-2 weeks and so my hcg has clearly reduced since Tuesday evening when it said 2-3 weeks. Guess they got it right. Before leaving i also got to speak to the consultant in charge at the hospital that day. He assured me I could try again when all this is over but I think I’ve been through enough this time. I’m very lucky as I have two beautiful boys already. Thanks so much for listening to me, sometimes my husband doesn’t get it! xx