2 wks post surgery and no bleed

As the title says really. I’m two weeks tomorrow post surgery - having my left Fallopian tube fully removed and I’ve had no bleed and I’m feeling sick etc.

Getting worried

Do you get a hcg blood test after surgery or have you taken a urine home test?

Maybe the sickness is anxiety?

No blood tests and no I haven’t done a test, my hubby thinks I should but I’m thinking my hcg levels could still be high.

True. Give it a week maybe. Usually after a pregnancy has ended I think the average is 3 weeks for hcg to return to normal. If you still have a positive test 3 weeks after I’d be checking in at least. This is an average though and loads of people including me were way slower.

Do they tell you with surgery when to expect a bleed etc? Have any other pregnancy symptoms gone? My clinic put a lot of weight on personal symptoms like donyou ‘feel pregnant’ still?

Thanks, in some ways I do still feel pregnant but is that just not wanting to let go…my teeth are all feeling loose and really sensitive.

After my mc I bled for a good 10-12 days but not a spot with this.

I know everyone is different so can’t really go on what is written as it’s not the norm for all.

Just feeling antsy, grumpy, tired, achey and bloated atm which is pants

I had surgery nearly 6 weeks ago for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. I didn’t bleed until about 3 days after my surgery but it was light and very dark- almost brown. It lasted about 2 weeks though. Be patient with your body x

I’m 31/2 weeks post surgery.

I’ve had no bleed and I’m still having pregnancy symptoms with a positive 3+ clear blue test this morning, so I’ve had a quantative HCG blood test today with a docs appointment tomorrow to decide what to do.

When I went in for surgery they scanned me and said there was a sack in my womb but this was common and they wouldn’t rescan me so decided they knew more than me and that was that but I still feel pregnant with all my usual symptoms.

This is such a head mess and rollercoaster