I’m just looking for some advice or wondering if anyone has experienced this.
I’m currently 13 days post salpingectomy for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. I was told while I was in hospital that I should expect heavy bleeding in the 1/2 weeks following surgery. However I’ve experienced no bleeding at all.
I’m also still experiencing bad nausea in which I’ve now been put on 2 separate anti sickness tablets to manage. I’m no longer on any strong pain medication that would cause be causing the nausea, so I’m putting it down to pregnancy symptoms that I might still have.
I spoke with my gp who said it was uncommon to still have pregnancy symptoms almost 2 weeks after surgery for an ectopic pregnancy and I wasn’t sure if it was normal not to bleed.
I was told by the surgeon while I was still in hospital, to do a pregnancy test 3 weeks after surgery which should be negative. I’m wondering whether I should just wait until then to speak to someone or whether this is something I should be concerned about now?
Dear Sarah,
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy loss,
I would also expect you to had some bleeding, even if it was just light spotting 2 weeks after surgery. The bleeding starts as the hCG levels fall. As you still have pregnancy symptoms an haven’t bled, I would suggest contacting the medical team that treated you, if your GP cannot help. You can do this by contacting the ward you were in, your epu or if you have a discharge letter with a surgeon’s name, you can call the hospital and ask to speak to the secretary of the surgeon to pass on a message for advice. They can also look at doing serial hCG blood tests to see what your levels are doing.
I hope this helps,
Sending much love,
Karen x
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