[Please can someone help me out ple. Had my suggery done on Thurs. Was discharge yesterday which is on Saturday. But i started bleeding today and its quite heavier than my normal period. Am freaking out now. Dunno what happening with me
Call the hospital hun xxxx
I started bleeding the day after my operation and bled for 10 days after. It was quite heavy with clotting but the doctor told me that it would happen. I would always say though of your worried phone the doctor. I think I’m on a list now the reception staff know my name now because I think I’ve called the doctor and nurse about 7 times in the last 2 weeks. I hope your ok.
Dear toyintomato,
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss, I completely understand what a difficult and worrying time it is for you.
Unfortunately I am not medically trained and am unsure with the limited information as to whether you have had a Salpingostomy or a Salpingectomy so cannot give you specific advice on your bleeding symptoms.
Generally speaking however, It is not unusual for women to bleed after treatment for ectopic pregnancy. This first bleed after treatment is a response to falling hormone levels and involves shedding of the uterine lining and is not classed as a period. The bleeding can be heavier and more painful than normal and the length of the bleeding can vary from woman to woman and some women do report spotting and bleeding for up to around six weeks after an ectopic pregnancy.
While this is usually nothing to worry about, if you find that the bleeding increases so that you are soaking more than a pad in an hour or have offensive smelling discharge or body temperature of more than 37°C, please do get medical attention. If you have any other concerns at all though, do not hesitate to call your GP or medical team.
As a gentle reminder, experiencing an ectopic pregnancy is a huge ordeal and you are in the very early stages of recovery. Your body needs time to heal from your surgery which is in itself a gruelling task. You have also had to process the loss of your baby and been through an immense rollercoaster of emotions - all of this will take time to come to terms with.
You should take it very easily for about six weeks after surgery. Your body will be using its energies to heal internally. It is normal to feel physically and emotionally exhausted during this time and please do be kind to yourself. Recovery can take time and some days will be better than others, one day you maybe ok and the next you maybe in discomfort or more emotional. This is perfectly usual and the healing process will go back and forth in this way for however long you need. It is important to listen to your body’s signals and pain and feeling tired are your body’s signs to tell you to rest. We suggest keeping a healthy balanced diet, drinking lots of water and resting. Once your wounds have healed, very gentle exercise such as a short walk can help, but please do take this slowly.
Sending much love,
Karen x
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Thanks everyone. . I have seen my doc and she says its normal after laproscopy .