Hi I just wanted to share my experience in case it helps others manage their anxiety when TTC. I had an ectopic in my left tube back in December which was treated with MTXx2. This past month was our first cycle trying again. About 10 days DPO, I developed really bad discomfort on my left side right where I had experienced a dull pain during my ectopic. I knew it could have been gas because I was also very bloated but I really only experienced the pain on my left side which didn’t make much sense. I panicked and spent hours researching online how early you could develop symptoms of an ectopic (the answer was usually at 5-6 weeks, not 3 weeks). Turns out the pain ended up lasting for two days and then went away when I got my period. So it turned out to be nothing. I’m just sharing in case others are having similar experiences - maybe this will be comforting.
Sounds similar to a pain I had around the time of my first period after MTX for ectopic. I went to the doctors as was so worried. She said It was likely to have been ovulation pains but I was much more sensitive since the ectopic.
Not had the pains since then…
so bizarre