Very worried

TTC after my first pregnany in September was ectopic, I had my left tube removed as it ruptured. This is my first cycle of trying. I waited for 2 cycles before ttc. Well i’m about 5 days post ovulation and i’ve been having really sharp pains in my left side. I’m worried. Any advice?

Dear Lisafuzyfelt23,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss.

It is normal to experience some pain after ectopic pregnancy as your body has been through a great ordeal. The pain could be due to adhesions or scar tissue which formed as part of your healing. It could also be due to heightened awareness because of your sad loss. You may also be feeling ovulation pain (many women including myself never felt ovulation pain before the ectopic pregnancy and experience these sensations after). I think it may be worth keeping a pain diary to record when you feel the pain (including when in your cycle), its intensity on a scale of 1-10 and if anything helps such as rest, a hot water bottle, paracetamol etc. I would suggest keeping these notes for about 4/6 weeks and then seeing your doctors with this information as it would help them determine how best to manage your symptoms.

If your pain worsens, you experience any unusual bleeding or shoulder tip pain or start to feel dizzy and unwell, please seek urgent medical advice.

Sending much love,

Karen x

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