Pain after reaching HCG 0, after 2 MTX doses

Hi all,

I’m sorry for what everyone is going through and extremely grateful for this forum and everyone sharing their experiences here. I was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy at week 8, a few days after I was awoken in the middle of the night by violent cramps on my ectopic side that almost had me passing out. I was referred to the Canadian equivalent of your A&E clinics and, having already had two blood draws that showed an increase in my HCG levels, the ultrasound identified a gestational sac in my left tube (about 3 mm if I recall correctly). I received my first dose of MTX on Feb 14 and ended up receiving a second dose Feb 22 because my HCG was only down by 12% on day 7. After dose 1, I had intense cramping and bleeding for a week. Dose 2 didn’t bring any more bleeding (though I don’t remember ever being this tired!), but on day 2 I had cramps so intense that we went to the ER. They didn’t find evidence of internal bleeding and my HCG had finally tanked, so they sent me home with pain meds. I had resume bleeding when those cramps started and it lasted a few days.

On March 15, my HCG finally reached non-pregnant levels (1!) and the clinic is ready to discharge me. The weird thing is that this week I’ve been experiencing more intense pain on the ectopic side than I had for a while, and well as this weird burning sensation across my lower belly. Has anyone experienced symptoms like this once reaching non-pregnant HCG levels?

I know pain can last a while, but I’m confused about my pain being worse now that I’ve finally reached non-pregnant levels… I’d really like to move on from this but it’s hard not to worry when you’ve gone through a few weeks of being told you might suddenly bleed to death and should watch out for signs of it. I know I shouldn’t be at risk of rupture anymore, which is a relief, but would love to know if anyone else has experienced the same types of pain at this time in their recovery.

Summary of my HCG levels:

Feb 11: 900

Feb 13: 1125 (ultrasound confirmed left side ectopic)

Feb 14 – MTX dose 1

Feb 18 (d4): 1846

Feb 21 (d7): 1613 (-12%, insufficient drop)

Feb 22 – MTX dose 2

Feb 24 – ER visit for intense pain (no evidence of rupture found)

Feb 26 (d4): 415

Mar 1 (d7): 83

Mar 8: 7

Mar 15: 1


So sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy. I had the same treatment as you in January but only had one shot of MXT.

I too bled and had cramps at the beginning and on and off throughout the time I was waiting for my HCG to drop to non-pregnant levels.

Also, I had a similar experience when my HCG dropped to non-pregnant levels. I bled again and had bad cramps and pain on my ectopic side. I was very worried but paracetamol did ease the pain slightly so I knew I wasn’t rupturing. This lasted a day or two and then I was tender for a few days afterwards but did eventually feel fully recovered.

I hope this eases your worry a little. Wishing you a speedy recovery- physically anyway.


Hi Suzie,

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond and sharing your experience. I’m so sorry about your ectopic pregnancy.

It’s good to know that others have also experienced similar pain and that it has resolved. I tried exercising this weekend and now have the weirdest muscle pull on my ectopic side, in addition to ongoing cramps. Still taking pain meds and hoping that like you my pain will ease soon.

I hope you are feeling generally better by now <3

Dear Suzie,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy loss,

It can be common to feel pain and discomfort following treatment for ectopic pregnancy. Your body has been through an ordeal, plus you may be preparing to ovulate.

Pain is very subjective and if it continues or worsen, please seek medical advice. There can be other reasons for abdominal discomfort including possible urinary tract infections.

Sending much love,

Karen x

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