Pain on ectopic side

Hello. I have been going through this whole process for over a month now and I’m exhausted. I had one dose of methotrexate two weeks ago which didn’t do the job, and a second dose a week ago. My day 7 blood work is tomorrow. On day 4 of the second dose my hcg has decreased by 1000, so so far so good. Today I had a bout of severe diarrhea with severe pain on my ride side, which is the ectopic side. I freaked out and went to the ER, but went home when the wait was over 2 hours and my pain had completely subsided. Now, I only feel a mild aching pain that’s really only there if I pay too much attention to it. My doctor says because the pain went away and I feel fine, it can’t be a rupture, but I wanted to know if it’s possible to feel this aching pain while the ectopic pregnancy is resolving from the MTX? Please someone tell me about their experience with MTX pains, and if you ever had any one sided pain that was so minimal but also so achy. I’m scared and overthink every little feeling I have and I don’t know what to think.

Hello Preyi,

I went through a lot of pain when they inyected the MTX. It lasted 10 hours or so. Then I felt OK, with little pains until they were gone completely.

Hope this helps.

What kind of pain was it? Mine is a pain exactly where the ectopic is but it’s not severe and shows a little fluid on the ultrasound. Doctor said the embryo is releasing these fluids while it’s dissolving but I wanted to know if anyone has had a similar situation happen. I’m also on day 7 of my second dose so it’s not an immediate reaction

Hi Preyi,

I am so sorry to hear you have suffered this ectopic pregnancy and that you are still feeling unwell. As your hcg levels are not yet to nonpregnant levels, you may still be feeling unwell as the pregnancy resolves. While I’m not medically qualified to comment on your specific situation, I encourage you to keep taking it easy and getting rest. I also encourage you to track the symptoms you are experiencing, noting the time and levels of pain, and consult with your doctors about these symptoms.

The process of MTX can take some time, and as each woman is different, there is, unfortunately, no set time frame. We encourage women to prioritize their rest and recovery during these weeks, which means no heavy lifting and possibly taking time off from work. It is very easy to say, but so much harder to do.

You know your body the best, and while the hcg levels are decreasing, it’s important to be mindful of your symptoms until you reach non-pregnant levels, under 5mIU/mL, as there is unfortunately still a chance of rupture. The symptoms of a deteriorating ectopic pregnancy, which include worsening or progressively increasing pain; vaginal bleeding; shortness of breath; feeling faint; and pain in the tip of the shoulder among others, may become noticeable. If you suffer any of these symptoms you will need to be reassessed. Your hospital would give you a number to contact for health advice if you feel that anything is changing, or you will have been told to report to the Accident and Emergency Department (A&E). If you have not been told what to do and need to speak to someone ring the hospital department which is treating you or the NHS 111 Service by dialing 111.

From the bottom of my heart, please be kind to yourself through your recovery. We are here for you whenever you need it.

With good wishes,


The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

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Hi Preyi

I had a fair bit of pain after MTX - and it was worst maybe 3 weeks out which freaked me out, but it seems to have been okay as I got down to non-pregnancy hCG and didn’t bleed to death…it’s so hard to say unfortunately. I remember being like you and trying to figure out what pain could be normal and what could be bad - so hard because some women say rupture isn’t an intense, sudden pain and for them it is more of a dull ache that intensifies. Unfortunately all you can really do is wait and go back to emergency if you’re not feeling right. Some ways I helped myself were: 1) taking my blood pressure - often it was high rather than low, suggesting I was anxious rather than suffering rupture 2) going to the GP and demanding another ultrasound, which she agreed to and although it was only abdominal, they didn’t see anything of concern and 3) trying to find as many distractions as possible so by the time another day had gone past, despite pain, I figured I couldn’t be dying and would be a day closer to it resolving. And then it did end. I’m so sorry, I wish you the best of luck.