Hi all- I was treated with two MTX injections about a month ago. My levels started at 16,000 and are now down to ~200, so I’m in the homestretch. But the last two weeks or so, I’ve been experiencing a lot of pain in the lower stomach. It’s particularly painful before a bowel movement, and once that occurs it pretty much goes away. But generally, I feel an increased amount of pressure in that whole area, and the pains before a BM are pretty intense. My bladder also feels much smaller. My doctor says it could just be inflammation and isn’t that concerned. I figured these issues would have subsided by now, but I guess not. Anyone else experience similar problems? I know it’s all in the same area of the body, but it’s pretty disconcerting that the ectopic pregnancy seems to be impacting my bladder/digestive tract.
I’m so sorry to hear about your ectopic pregnancy and loss, and that you are now going through this worrying time. I’m not medically qualified so I can not comment on your specific situation. However, it is good that you are in touch with your Doctor and have expressed your concerns. You know your body best, and while your hcg levels are still not in the non-pregnant zone (under 5), then it is important to continue looking out for any potential signs of rupture.
You may want to keep a pain journal noting when and where the pain occurs and anything pain relief you use to treat it. The journal would be valuable for a follow up conversation with your GP.
I know it can feel like the hcg levels take a long time to drop. Keep being kind to yourself and taking it easy. We are here for you for as long as you need.
With good wishes,
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards
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Hi Catlady- obviously be cautious and continue to speak with your gp, I don’t know much about Methotrexate treatment and so please speak to someone if you are worried.
But i couldn’t just read and run, I wanted to say I have been experiencing this issue too, I had surgery after rupture and my tube removed so I was under the impression things must have been moved around inside including bowels, the swelling from the trauma inside and also potentially change in bowel movements due to being on iron tablets since surgery. My pain is when I need to go but comes on so suddenly and intensively. It has eased slightly over the last couple of weeks so I’m guessing it will improve and return to normal at some point! I’m so glad that someone has posted about this!
Take care
I’m sorry to read that you’re going through this, I know how overwhelming it is. Here’s my story, and I hope it’s not the same for you but I want you to be aware because I had no idea and no one to turn to. My levels went down to 200 after 1 MTX treatment, it had been just over 4 weeks. Then for about 4 days I had the same feeling as you just described and the last day I almost fainted in the shower, I got out and sat down so I wouldn’t fall over, and then I could barely move because the pain got so bad right then. Went to emergency room and they found that I did have a rupture (yes even at such low levels) and needed surgery. I really hope it’s not the case for you and I am sending positive vibes your way for healing mentally and physically after all this
I had lower abdominal pain 3-4 weeks after MTX, particularly when going to the bathroom, also after a long time standing. It was worse than 1-2 weeks after when I didn’t have this feeling. I was also low hCG at the time. In my case it appears to have been fluid/blood collecting in the abdomen, I assume as part of the re-absorption process, and/or dripping out of the tube. I had an ultrasound which supported this theory and then hit 0 and have been fine, so hopefully it was nothing serious. I can’t guarantee yours is the same but it does sound similar so fingers crossed it is that and is not rupture. I should note mine was mostly annoying/pressure/discomfort rather than pain and definitely not severe, if you get severe pain of course head to emergency. Try lying down if you can as much as you can and see if it helps. Good luck!