Abdominal Pain after first period with MTX

Hi all, I recently had my first ectopic pregnancy with 2 MTX injections my last one being on 11/16. My HCG is back to zero and I honestly went back to feeling pretty ok- no pain or anything. I think it was helping me emotionally handle things better because the physical reminders went away briefly.

Last week I started having pain to the left of my belly button which is where I experienced my ectopic pain- and ever since my period it has not gone away! It is intermittent but has totally reminded me of all the pain and sadness and now the more I fixate on it the more frequently it seems to be happening! I called my OB who basically said it’s fine but it still has me so concerned. Anyone else experience the abdominal pain -not pelvic pain- after your ectopic pregnancy?

My hcg was 5.4 (normal) 4th December.

I still have left sided pain. Today it was particularly annoying right in the hip and a throbbing in the ovary/tube. I’ve had scans and it’s all clear and I’ve been told it’s normal.

Previously had gone off. I get what you mean, it’s a reminder. When you physically feel well it’s like you can have moments of moving on.

A month on though and I still get pain but it’s less and less. Ovulating and periods can be more painful after I reads I haven’t experienced that as I went straight onto the pill which stops it all. Not looking forward to coming off!