I wanted to come back to this forum and tell of my expetience last year.
At the end of February last year I suffered an ectopic pregnancy. At first I thought it was my period starting as I had light bleeding. When the light bleeding didnt get heavier after a few days I thought it was an irregular period as the month before I had an early miscarrage. I didnt think it was a pregnancy as I had done a first responce test a week earlier and negative. But when the light bleeding hadnt stopped for 10 days I thought something was wrong so I did another test and it was possitive, turns out I had done the first responce too early. I went to the early pregnancy unit and they confirmed it was a miscarrage in an unknown location and I should come back next week as they couldnt rule out ectopic. When I went back they found it was ectopic in my right tube.
The hospital recommended expectant management. It seems to be their policy to recommend that where possible. I agreed to this and that I would come back for a blood test in a few days. I found expectant management really hard emotionally and there seemed to be little I could find from people who have been through the same experience. I was constantly in fear that my tube would rupture and totally obsessed with my HGC levels and very disheartened when they didnt come down between tests.
It took around 6 weeks for my HGC levels to come back down low enough to be discharged. This was just in time to allow us to go on a holiday we had booked some months before.
On that holiday I felt myself ovulating from my left “good” side so we decided to try again. Advice from doctors was that it would be best to wait for at least one cycle. But the reasoning behind this was mostly to do with whether we were ready emotionally to try again and I did feel ready, it just felt right.
I got pregnant in that holiday and 9 months later our son was born. I brought him hime from hospital last week.
At the time of my ectopic pregnancy I was starting to lose hope that we would ever have a baby. I had already had two early miscarrages and a stillbirth at 22 weeks the year before. But we did in the end so I wanted to share my story in case it gave others some hope.
I also wanted to share for anyone going through expextant management. It not for everyone and a very difficult thing to go through emotionally but it has worked for me and I am very glad I opted for it