I had my first ectopic pregnancy in 2015, resulting in the removal of my right tube. I then went on to have a little girl in 2016 :). We started trying for a second baby recently but I am now going through a second ectopic. We got to it v early and it seems like the Methotrexate is working this time as my HCG levels are slowly decreasing.
But now I am thinking about the future. The consultant has said I am v high risk of having another ectopic. I have read online about various investigative procedures to examine your tubes and see the extent of the damage/blockage. Does anyone know if these are available in the UK? Do you have to go to a private clinic? Is it worth doing? I’m 31 later this year, so I feel like I want to know what’s going on in there and what my chances are of having a successful pregnancy naturally.
Any advice on what my options are would be gratefully received.
I’m very sorry to hear that you are experiencing a second ectopic pregnancy. Having been in a similar situation, I also was interested in the Hysterosalpingography (HIS-tur-oh-sal-ping-GOG-ru-fee) (HSG test), but have yet to follow up on it. From my understanding, it is available within the UK and speaking to your doctors will be the best route into learning more about its use, benefits, and to access. However, the Trust has some additional information on the test at this link, under Testing: https://www.ectopic.org.uk/patients/trying-to-conceive/
I can’t speak to the individual nature of your case as I’m not medically qualified. However, in general, while it is not possible to prevent an ectopic pregnancy from happening again, it is possible to conceive even after a second ectopic pregnancy. You do not mention where this second ectopic is occurring, but assuming you have two ovaries and a remaining tube, there are still opportunities for a natural pregnancy to occur.
I certainly understand your desire to learn as much as you can about what is happening in order to make informed decisions. Do have a read on the HSG procedure, as it does come with its own risks which would best be considered by you and your doctors. Even with the procedure, sadly, having a previous ectopic places us at higher risk in the future. It’s important to remember that there is nothing we did to cause or could have done to prevent these ectopic pregnancies.
Please know that we are here for you as you make these choices and for as long as you need.
With good wishes,
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