Is this normal??....

im currently 5+1 and I still haven’t seen or heard from anyone at the Drs or hospital.

I went to see the ‘temp’ dr at my local surgery a week ago to let them know I’m pregnant and that obviously I had a previous eptopic in Nov last year. The dr didn’t seem too concerned and said it would be very unlikely to be another eptopic pg this time. He said he’s referring me to the mws.

Luckily I’m not showing any of my previous eptopic pg symptoms, so I’m hoping like mad that everything is ok this time, but I am still worrying and any little ache has me questioning, which I assume would be normal.

Should I not of been routinely put through to the EPU?? And I assume routinely scanned at 6 weeks? I’m just concerned that they are being stupid as if it was eptopic this time, the longer they leave it the worst it would be.

Should I make another appointment to see another dr and bring my concerns up or because everything seems ok, just go with the flow??

I will be tempted to pay out for a private scan at this rate, but feel like this should be done by them.

No, hon. You should ring the early pregnancy unit at hospital as you have a right to an early scan.You need to ring now to book it xxx

Ah Holly yes give your early pregnancy unit a call. They should refer you so at least to put your mind at rest! How have you been doing this week? X

Thanks everyone.

I did try ringing them last week but there was no answer. Also the website I found their number, said it was by referral only.

I will give them a call in the morning and hopefully I will know more x

Ok, rang the unit this morning and explained my situation. She took my number and said a mw will ring me shortly. Less than 5 minutes later the mw rang and said I will need to have an early scan to check baby is in the right position and she’s booked me in for one on 24th when I’ll be almost 7 weeks as she said she wouldn’t want to scan me any earlier. So that’s about a week n half away. I’m ok with that and I’m just relieved that they have sorted it now. I’m still feeling fine with no pains or bleeding or any other eptopic signs, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it will be ok x

That is good news Holly, at least you have something booked in now to put your mind at rest! It is very good news that you don’t have any ectopic pregnancy symptoms. I will have my fingers crossed for you xx

Well went for my scan this afternoon and all is well! It’s in my womb and we could even see a heartbeat. I am just so relieved. I expected to be almost 7 weeks, but they had me down at 6 1/2. I’m not exactly sure when I ovulated, so I guess I could be out by a bit.

They are not planning on scanning me again, (unless I’m concerned) until my 12 week scan at the beginning July.

I am just so relieved to know now xxxxx

Great news!

Congratulations=you’ll prob make up the days behind by your next scan xxx

Congratulations great to hear… ; ) x x