Hi all I am just after some advise. Last year I had a ectopic pregnancy, I didn’t know I was pregnant I was admitted to hospital but it took them 5 days to scan me and it resulted in me having my left tube removed because it had ruptured.
Last week I found out I was pregnant again and I am 6 weeks. I have the normal sick feeling tiredness sore boobs, however I am experiencing some achs in my stomach that are like period pain, I also have an ache were my scar is from having my left tube removed, has anyone else experienced this? I have experienced no bleeding just these aches every now and again and I can’t help worry myself. I spoke to the doctor last Monday who explained they wouldn’t give me a early scan as it isn’t there protocol even though I have had a previous ectopic? Am I better just ringing my EPU myself? I am seeing my doctor again on Monday and I am wondering weather I should be more forceful in requesting a scan.
Hi there,
I’m sorry you had to go through all of this. I can only imagine the stress you’re experiencing.
I would call your EPU straight away, forget about the GP as it would only delay things and at 6 weeks, with history of previous EP, you are entitled for an early scan.
There doesn’t seem to be a clear NHS protocol GPs have to follow.
So some doctors, sadly due to lack of training and ignorance in regards to EPs, will try to fob you off. But stick to your guns and ask your EPU for an early scan and bloods. Even with no bleeding, you need to be checked out early to rule any repeat EP. You are allowed to seek reassurances that all is going well with your pregnancy. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
My surgeon was very clear that next time I’m pregnant, I need to be scanned by 7 weeks at the very latest.
Let us know how you get on.
Take care xx
I couldn’t get an appt at GP so rang EGU straightaway and was seen that day and then every 48 hours. Get to your EGU and they will see you. Good luck x
Thank you for your advise, I rang my EPU this morning was told they don’t accept self referrals even though I have had previous ectopic pregnancy it had to be a GP referral. So went to my GP appointment this morning explained my worries etc, and now I have a scan booked for tomorrow morning! Will let you know how I get on. Feeling very frustrated that there is nothing out there for ladies who have experienced ectopic pregnancies in the past to have early scans! Just seems so stupid to me.
Well done for standing your ground and getting your scan booked in. Lots of luck for then. Please let us know how you get on… xx
Scan went well, 6 and a half weeks pregnant with a very healthy heart! Very releaved x
Excellent news! So pleased for you xx