Hi everyone. I had an ectopic in August 2017, and had my right tube removed. Found out I was pregnant a few weeks back and have been traumatised since then through fear of it happening again, I went for my scan today and my baby is in the right place this time with a strong heartbeat. Never felt so relieved in my whole life. Just want to give people hope, it doesn’t have to mean it will happen again just because it happened once. Good luck to all who are waiting for their scans xx
Hi Cjh32,
A whispered congratulations on your scan, and all our very best wishes for the rest of your pregnancy. Thank you for sharing your positive story. It is alway nice to hear when there is light at the end of the tunnel.
With good wishes,
If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering?
Further information is available at http://www.ectopic.org.uk
Email us at ept@ectopic.org.uk.
Our helpline is 020 7733 2653 (available Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm).
Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team.
Hi Cjh32,
Congratulations!!! And thanks for sharing this!! I really hope I will be blessed with one (or more) too!!My ectopic was my first pregnancy and I sometimes feel low thinking that I am too old (I am now 29), I am missing one tube and do not really know the condition of my uterus (I had a cornual ectopic, so it was actually in my uterus), etc… Knowing that there is some chance, that it can happen, always gives me hope!!
Thank you again and all the best wishes!! Let us know how it goes!!
You’re definitely not too old, I am 33 and still managed to get pregnant again with just one tube-I did use ovulation tests this time to ensure we were trying at the correct time as I felt having one tube would make it more getting pregnant more difficult and I wanted to up our chances… good luck and sending lots of love to all xxxx
Thank you! Really hope it will be the same for me when I will start again ttc…probably won’t need to do ovulation tests, because since the salpingectomy I suffer ovulation pain that are worse than period…so I know exactly when it’s happening…yey!!lots of love to you too xxx
Hi I’ve recently found out I’m pregnant again after ectopic. I am so happy but feel I can’t be as have early scan booked to check all ok. I feel great but then sometimes don’t know if I’m telling my self I have pain on my left side as that was the side of my previous ectopic. I never had my tube removed just methotrexate twice. Had my tubes checked and was told all was ok and they wasent sure why it happened. I’m looking for reassurance I guess that it can happen?
Hi bianca. We all do it. I was convinced mine was ectopic again. I convinced myself I was having shoulder tip pain, reckoned I was having pains on my left side and was going dizzy a lot which was something I experienced with my first ectopic. I was convinced I was gonna lose my remaining tube…However at my scan they said I had a cyst on my ovary which was why I was having pains on that side. It was nothing sinister! Cysts are normal and lots of women have them/get them in pregnancy. They come and go but can feel uncomfortable sometimes (on either side) Hopefully this is what you’re experiencing. I’m proof that one ectopic doesn’t mean you cant get pregnant in the right place next time. Good luck! Xxx