About 2.5 weeks ago I had laparoscopy for an ectopic pregnancy. I am really struggling to deal with everything that happened and the loss.
The baby was very much planned and very loved, even though it was in the early stages. We were ecstatic when we got the positive pregnancy result.
I had very light spotting and was worried something was wrong so went for hcg levels which were all good, but still felt uneasy so went for a scan at which point they couldn’t see the gestational sac so told me to come back in a week. 2 days later I was rushed to casualty with heavier bleeding thinking I was miscarrying. The gynae attending that day diagnosed an ectopic pregnancy on the scan. I was given the option of surgery or methotrexate, but due to the devastation and the feeling of just wanting this over and done with I opted for surgery. It turned out to be the best decision as when they went in they found that it had already ruptured and I had internal bleeding.
Physically I have healed well. But emotionally I am not coping at all. I feel completely cheated. To think that some people who don’t even deserve (child abusers etc) to be parents fall pregnant and carry to full term with no issues just seems so unfair.
On top of that I have several of my friends expecting at the moment and although I am so happy for them and wish them nothing but the best, I also feel resentful that I never got to experience a happy pregnancy and lost my baby. I am dreading the upcoming baby showers for all of them.
I also feel like any joy and hope has been stolen from my future pregnancies. I can never just fall pregnant and be happy again. In the back of my mind there will always be this fear of it being ectopic again or of something else going wrong. It feels like what should be a time filled with joy, will be a time of fear for me.
I have tried talking to a church counsellor as well as a psychologist about this but it feels like no one really gets it. Neither of them even knew what an ectopic pregnancy was so I end up explaining it to them instead of getting to the root of my feelings. I am feeling very alone and absolutely broken by all of this. It’s like no one really understands what I am going through and they all just say things like “Don’t worry you’ll fall pregnant again soon”, which I know is meant to be encouraging but it helps nothing with what I am going through right now.
Any advice on how to move forward? How to overcome the fear and resentment? I am based outside of the UK so unfortunately the hotline is not an option for me