Cornual ectopic.

I just had a cornual ectopic on my right side (it was my third, I’ve had 2 tubal ectopics before and removed my tubes). I had emergency surgery on the 20th. My doctor just told me I will probably have to wait six months until my uterus has healed before we can continue IVF.

How are you feeling?

Hi there, first I’m so so sorry for your loss. Sending lots of love during this difficult time.

I had a different kind of ectopic which I think was similar to yours. My ectopic was caused by a rudimentary horn (extra part of uterus) and that’s where baby was stuck. My baby could have survived to about 16 weeks and I had no signs and symptoms so thankfully I was suffering from hyperemesis which allowed me to be admitted to hospital and they did an early scan which was when it was detected. All very traumatic and sad, especially seeing our wee darling on the scan heart beating away and knowing we had to say goodbye.

They removed my right fallopian tube and the part of the uterus where baby was stuck. My suregery was laprascopic so recovery has been quicker. I felt pain for about 3 weeks and now at 4 weeks post op feel much more mobile and brighter.

It doesn’t take away the emotional side of things though does it? Nothing prepares you for the grief and loss you feel. Are there any local services you could reach out to during this time? We were fortunate to have my church supporting me with people visiting and making meals which made a huge difference.

I have days which are good and days which are sad. We have a 4 year old daughter but we had been trying for a second for two years and we are just heartbroken. Everyone seems to be pregnant atm! Talking on here helps.

Lauren xxx

My surgery was actually just laprascopic so I could go back to work after a week. I hope you are feeling better physically by now. It is unfortunate that you don’t get any follow up meetings or advice. Perhaps you could still talk to your gynecologist about it? I’ve been seeing my usual gynecologist for the follow up blood tests etc. He’s the one who said we’d probably have to wait six months before continuing IVF, but the fertility clinic will decide and I am still waiting to hear back from them.

Hello @123ectopics and @Ljackson – thank you so much for sharing your stories. I realize this was 7 years ago, but it’s still so valuable for me to read it today! I just had a laparoscopy for cornual ectopic pregnancy, just like you. I’m looking for success stories around me to give me hope, as I don’t have any kids yet. If you see this message, and got pregnant since your surgery, would you be able to share it here? How many months did you wait, and how did you pregnancy go? Thank you so much in advance, sending all my love and support.