Anyone only have one blocked tube left?? Advise please

Hi all

I have posted on another thought regarding a slightly different matter but I thought I would post on the main board in the hope that more people may see this .

I would love to speak to any one that has previously had a tube removed from an ectopic and only has one tube left and has been told that your one remaining tube may be blocked/damaged from another ectopic.

I know this is a very specific case and there may not be anybody else out there in my position or similar but I just basically wanted to know what options if any were you given to help try to conceive.

Feeling so lost and alone at the moment I’m still undergoing more tests which I’m waiting for.

I have a beautiful little three-year-old girl that I can see perfectly fine so I just don’t understand where all of these issues have come from.

I had a C section with my daughter and had to have a D&C procedure because I had placenta left behind and I had constant infections after that so I’m wondering could that be related.

Me and my partner cannot really afford IVF and I’m just so scared that this may be my only option to have another baby so just hoping anybody might be able to share some miracle story with me so I could see a little bit of potential light at the end of the tunnel.

Yeah has been the biggest emotional rollercoaster of my life and it feels quite a lonely place.

Advice would be greatly appreciated thank you in advance xx

I had my right tube removed with my first ectopic, then had two further ectopics on the left side. Those two were treated with methotrexate. I was told about the dye test but was told it seems my other tube was damaged. IVF would be an option but I don’t know if I want to put myself through it, especially if it didn’t work.


I lost my right tube to an ectopic. I was told by a sonographer my left tube may be blocked. I paid £500 for a private hycosy test which is the dye test. It showed my tube to be open which was a great relief.

I am now 20 weeks pregnant and praying for a positive outcome. I also have a three year old and didn’t have problems before.

I belief it it is blocked then ivf is the only option but worth a test before.

Congratulations on your pregnancy thats amazing so happy to hear these stories.

Ive got my repeat hsg tomorrow so i guess tomorrow i will know more.

Feeling so so scared.

Also been looking into natural ways to unblock tubes as il try anything to have another baby and avoid very expensive ivf. Xx

Hello, I see it’s been more than a year since this post, but I wonder how it went. I just had my left tube removed 4 weeks ago and they said the other one looks like it has adhesions too (I was freshly woken after operation so can’t remember exact words). It does look so far like IVF would be an only option for us, which I am very hesitant to do. Would you (or anyone reading this) share the alternatives? A friend who is a doula said that physiotherapy can help, but I am yet to find out about when I can start.