Another ectopic or a miscarriage?

Dear all,

In November I had an EP which was initially diagnosed as PUL and then between one scan and another, my right tube suddenly erupted and I had to have an emergency surgery. It turned out my left tube wasn’t looking good either, so the surgeon just removed the embryo and let me keep my right tube.

It took my a while to get over the experience, both physically and emotionally- I had so much pain after the surgery, and I wasn’t sure that I dared to try to get pregnant again, but finally I decided to try IVF, as the doctor said that both my tubes were probably blocked, and it was my only option if I wished to try again. The hospital assured me that my IVF-chances were good and that two consecutive EPs were very rare.

My first IVF-attempt went fine. But on my test day (day 14) I got a faint positive test (hcg 22) and then one week later it had only risen to 72, and then two days later it had later it had fallen to 62. I realise now that there is no hope that it could be a normal pregnancy. I therefore pray for it to be any type of miscarriage- I don’t care what it is, as long as it’s in the uterus and not another ectopic!

I am so scared it might be another ectopic :frowning: So far I’m having the exact same symptoms as last time, with stomach ache- both in the middle (like a period) and stinging pains on both sides. I am so scared and I don’t know what to do. The hospital is just telling me that statistically there is a small chance that it is an EP and that there is no point in having a scan yet (I am now 5 weeks + 5 days), but statistics have already screwed me over once, and it’s not reassuring at all. I am not able to relax or think about anything else. What should I do?

Hi There

Just reading your post and wanted to reply.

I conceived my baby via IUI so I know how precious fertility treatment is and for it to then turn out to be an ectopic pregnancy is truly devastating. (my story is on here if you want to have a read as I had an ovary ectopic pregnancy).

How are you doing now, any updates?

I was 5 weeks 5 days when I had my scan when they couldn’t see a pregnancy in the uterus, I just knew something wasn’t right from day one as I had faint positive pregnancy tests and I had been bleeding since 4 weeks 6 days pregnant.

I am a believer in trusting your gut and as women we do know our own bodies but I’m sending you lots of wishes that this isn’t another ectopic for you xxx

Dear Norway_T,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and the worrying time you are now going through. To experience one loss is difficult to deal with multiple losses is heartbreaking and my heart truly goes out to you.

From the point of view of an ectopic pregnancy, it is good to hear that your hCG levels are decreasing, however as you are experiencing pain, I would advise speaking to your EPU for further investigations, including a scan.

Sending much love and warm hugs,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

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Dear both of you,

Thank you for your replies and your good wishes…! I think they must have had an effect! :slight_smile: Over the next blood tests my hcg kept decreasing, slowly, but steadily, and a few days later I started bleeding like a menstruation, but heavier. I had an an ultrasound at the hospital and they confirmed that it was a miscarriage.

It was such a relief! The doctor was saying “I’m sorry, it is a miscarriage”, and I was saying “That’s great!”. She looked at me puzzled until I explained to her about my EP story from November which included so much pain, an emergency surgery and 6 weeks away from work- and then she understood.

I think you must have experienced an EP in order to appreciate a regular, unproblematic miscarriage. It sounds strange to most people, but even though I am sad that the IVF-attempt didn’t work and I have waited so long and worked so hard for the chance to become pregnant- to me there is something that is worse than not becoming pregnant, and that is an EP. So both me and my boyfriend actually celebrated the confirmation of our miscarriage- as crazy as that sounds.

For a couple of weeks I was so afraid that I would face a new surgery and all that pain and now all I have to deal with is some bleeding and some stomach pain. And besides- it proves that I can get pregnant within the uterus, which feels like one step closer to becoming pregnant for real. So I try to focus on that positive part- and hopefully next time, it will work.

Oh bless you x

I am sorry to hear that it was a miscarriage but also I can understand your relief that it was not another ectopic as the pain and trauma that an ectopic pregnancy brings is unbelievable.

I will be keeping everything crossed for you that your baby dreams come true and send you wishes that you get pregnant again and all works out perfectly.

Lots of love xxx

Thank you so much. Your wishes and support really make a difference for me. I don’t know anyone in real life who has had an EP and it’s so good to be here and talk to someone who understands. I wish you all the best too!