Hi Ladies,
So background, three gorgeous children, Oldest two from a previous relationship and our youngest is mine and my partners, we are TTC baby 4.
Fell pregnant October 2019, resulted in left tubal ectopic treated successfully with methotrexate. Had a massive wobble, anxiety was high but after reassuring myself we started TTC again in March/April. July brought us a positive pregnancy test although bleeding/pains and a EPU visit and it’s another ectopic, right tube this time. I am extremely lucky as I’m being treated with expectant management.
My bloods last week were down to 24 (Waiting for today’s results) and a rescan this morning showed the ‘pregnancy mass’ has gone from my tube.
I spoke to the sonographer about investigating and he seemed to think it was pointless he said the treatment can see if the tubes are blocked/closed but cannot see if the tiny hair like structures that push the egg along through the tube and into the womb are working. He just basically said try again and call us when your pregnant.
We would love a 4th (and final) baby especially as our daughter hates being by herself when the older two go to their dads but I’m SUPER nervous about trying again. I fall into none of the categories that are more obvious causes of ectopic pregnancies except from 3 previous csections (which they still seams a possible yet unlikely cause)
Is it likely there’s an issue or could it literally be as I keep hearing “bad luck”.
Thanks in advance for any replies xxx
Dear Katy89,
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancies and losses. To experience one loss is difficult to deal with multiple losses is heartbreaking and my heart truly goes out to you.
I truly understand the wanting to know why this happened to us and the frustration of not getting any answers. In the UK we don’t routinely carry out testing for ectopic pregnancy as sadly no test can guarantee we won’t experience one again. If you are concerned about your fertility however I would advise speaking to your GP who can refer you to a fertility specialist.
As your sonographer has said, please book in for early scans with future pregnancies.
Sending much love and warm hugs,
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards
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