Has anyone else had an abdominal ectopic, I was diagnosed with this a week after finding out I was pregnant, rushed in for emergency surgery as I had internal bleeding but no ruptured tube! The pregnancy was located joined to my large bowel!!
So I’m done with the surgery and all is looking well then had a rise in hcg level 3weeks after op so I had to take methotrexate injection, hcg again dropping nicely now I’m 5weeks after my injection and the level has risen again! Now blood being monitored again, I’m really confused as to y this is happening, I’m. Hoping to find someone in the same situation to chat to I’m now. Nearly 10weeks post op and still feel like I’m going backwards help!!
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss, apologies also for my late reply, as I’m sure you are aware abdominal ectopic pregnancies are rare and I wanted to clarify matters with senior staff.
Sadly I am not medically trained so cannot give you specific advice on your rising hCG levels. Having had surgery and methotraxate it is extremely unusual for levels to begin rising again. I am glad to see that you are being closely monitored by your medical team with regards to your bloods and whilst I do not wish to worry you, I was wondering if they had offered you a scan since your surgery.
I completely understand that it is a very worrying and confusing time, but with such limited data I would not like to just be guessing as to what is happening so I strongly advise talking to your medical team.
We are here for you too, whenever you need us,
Sending much love,
Karen x
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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team.
Hi Karen’s thankyou for your reply, I have been tested to see if I am pregnant again and no, the level is still floating at 20 I have had 4 scans since my operation and nothing. Has shown apart from a large cyst that they tested to see if it was giving off the hcg but no, I’m a bit of a mystery at the hospital, it just feels like. Such a long process! I’m shocked there is no information on abdominal ectopics over the Internet, the symptoms I had were very different to that of a normal ectopic and I dread to think what could of happened if I had just left it I ended up taking myself to a and e because the doctor believed nothing to be wrong after 3 visits
I’m so sorry for your loss and also that you have been in limbo for so long since your op. I hope that you are okay now? I hope that it is not insensitive to ask but would you mind sharing your symptoms with me? I am concerned I am going through something similar and my doctors are not listening to me when I tell them about the symptoms I am experiencing. Currently waiting to go back next week for further scans if I have not miscarried by then. My HCG levels have not been normal and I have been told to expect a miscarriage and am being monitored for an eptopic. I am 6 weeks and do not have usual ectopic pain but do have ongoing pain above my belly button. Thanks so much and I really hope you have some closure and you’re on the road to recovery. Thanks
Hi Bex, I too had an abdominal ectopic last October, it was located in the pouch of Douglas and I had to have emergency surgery. It was truly horrific. I couldn’t find any information as it was all tubal ectopics. It’s almost a year later and I haven’t fallen pregnant again, I’m on clomid to help me ovulate but waiting to have my tubes checked in the next few weeks. I hope you are ok and healing well. It’s such a horrible time. Here if you want to talk. Kelly x
I was just having a read of your story and thought i would let you know, although my Ectopic wasn’t abdominal, my hormone levels did keep rising and falling. It was difficult, confusing and scary.
One minute, the doctors would say ‘good news - your hormone level is falling, you don’t need to come back for a week now’, then I’d return a week later and find out ‘your hormone level has doubled and we need to monitor you every 48 hours now’. It was a nightmare. However, eventually, my body did as it should and levelled itself out and eventually, almost 6 weeks after diagnosis, my hormone level dropped to 0 and i was discharged.
Thought i would share my story with you to let you know that there are other people out there whose hormones have played silly boggers but there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Sorry for your loss, i hope your situation is resolved soon to allow you grieve and eventually to move forward.