I was hoping maybe some of you may be able to help me at this time.
I spent 2 weeks checking HCG every 48 hours and on 31st Dec I spent new years in hospital and had a Methotrexate injection.
On my day 4 bloods I had more than double and gone from 2600hcg to over 5000. I was admitted immediately back to hospital and on January 6th I had a scan the pregnancy was located on my left tube and it had a strong heartbeat.
The only option was surgery to remove my tube. This was 11 days ago. I had bloods done two days post surgery and hcg had dropped near to 1000.
The hospital said do a at home pregnancy test 7 days later to confirm hcg had dropped to zero which I did yesterday and it is very much positive and reading two weeks pregnant.
I have to go back to hospital tomorrow for more bloods now. I am scared. The tube and all was removed so I am not sure how this is possible they also seem baffled.
I was 7 weeks 4 days and it was very close to ruptured if not just slightly ruptured is there any chance there is tissue leftover ?
Any similar situations or advice would be so welcome.
I am so sorry for your loss and that you are going through this worrying time. I am not medically qualified and do not know the particular details of your medical history. However, it is good you are returning to have your bloods done. This will confirm a pregnancy. Is there a possibility you are pregnant?
I would just remind you to be kind to yourself during this time. We are here for you during this journey and will support you however we can.
With good wishes,
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards
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