Really sick after metho

hi everyone,

I’m knew here and so happy to have found this. I was diagnosed on 7/22 at 7 weeks pregnant and an hCG of 397. I was given 80mg of methotrexate and my levels dropped to 264, 137, 23, 9 and 4.6 finally on Aug. 24. I got my period on Aug 29 for 1 week, heavy as expected. on Aug 31 I got incredible sick with a stomach virus that lasted 6 days. Then this past Sunday, Sept 11, I started to get what i thought was a UTI. Drank a ton of water and ate garlic and felt better Tuesday. This morning I woke up with a yeast infection and the UTI pain was horrible.

Has anyone else had symptoms like this? I am really concerned because I have severe lower abdominal pain shooting into my legs, and a friend of mine that is a nurse said I could have leftover tissue and need a CT scan. I had an ultrasound on Aug. 12 that showed nothing…

Sorry, my brain is really out! I meant I am new* here.

Also, forgot to mention I started taking folic acid everyday once my period ended.


I had my operation on 18th August, where my tube was saved, as it was my last one (had previous ectopic last year and right tube got removed). My hcg was 4680 on the day of operation. After my operation my hcg levels dropped nicely. The day after operation it dropped to 1200, then week later 450, then 5 days later 200 and then suddenly week later it shot up again over 300. I did not feel anything myself, maybe a slight pain in my tube, but that was after the doctor had said that the levels have gone up and I thought maybe I just “thought” that now I am in pain and drove myself mad with it.

They did another blood test 4 days later and it had gone up to 400 and the doctor said that as they tried to save my tube and tried not to damage it, they did not “rummage” around in the tube and some live cells were left behind, which started to grow again. I had to have methotrexate shot in the end and first my levels went up to 700 and then started to fall. You could ask the gp or hospital to do the bloods, as that would show an increase in hcg straight away if there are some cells left in your tube.

When I had my first ectopic I had a really bad yeast infection after that, which lasted about 10 months! Nothing worked for it. Doctors did not know anymore what to give to me, as nothing could shift it. Finally it just cleared up itself after I had given up and thought I have to live with it forever.

Hi have you been in contact with your early pregnancy unit. 4 days ago I was given the injection of methotrexate and was told if I had bleeding, pain or just general feeling unwell to contact them straight away or go into AnE. My dose was very hight as my level was only at 405 but wasn’t dropping. Sending best wishes x

Hi JLManna,

I’m so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss, and that you are still feeling unwell.

The bleed you had on Aug 29 is unlikely to be your period, rather this bleeding is the body’s response to falling hormone levels as you are, sadly, no longer pregnant. Many women experience bleeding after treatment for ectopic pregnancy and some women do report spotting and bleeding for up to six weeks.

In regards to the yeast infection and UTI pain, I am unaware of any linkages between the methotrexate treatment for ectopic pregnancy and onset of these aliments. I would certainly suggest that you see your GP for treatment and to ease the pain they are causing you.

With good wishes,


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