9 days post frozen embryo transfer

I’m day 9 post frozen embryo transfer, having had an ectopic pregnancy earlier in the year. I’m obviously obsessing over every twinge and symptom. I have a pain in my lower (right) side on and off and now panicking. Could this be a sign of another ectopic?

I also have a bad headache, slight cramp and feeling waves of nausea.

Thanks for any advice!

Dear Cecg,

I completely understand the worrying time you are going through. I remember worrying about every twinge an symptom when I next fell pregnant after my ectopic pregnancy. I think it is perfectly normal to feel this way after everything we have been through.

Although I do not wish to alarm you, I do have to remind you to seek urgent medical advice with any symptoms that you are worried about or you develop and bleeding, tummy pain, or you feel dizzy and unwell.

I would try and distract yourself as much as you can until your next review. I will be keep everything crossed for a positive outcome.

Sending much love and positive thoughts,

Karen x

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