2 Eptopic within 6 weeks :(

Hi All, I have been reading up on these posts for about a month and finally thought I would join because I just need to talk to people going through the same grief as me. I’ll tell you my story and have a few questions. I’ll make it as short as possible. I’m 31 yrs of age.

Myself and my partner had been trying to conceive for a year and a half with no joy. (The first year was kind of ‘go with the flow attitude’). A year in we started to use apps to help track ovulation and nothing, then started on the ov strips etc. The strips always came back negative so thought I wasn’t ovulating properly. We went to the docs and they did their normal checks and OK so then put me on the list to see the gyno.

2ish months later I started to get a throbbing pain in my right side. It went on for 2 days until it was bad enough go to the docs. To my surprise I tested positive for pregnancy but got admitted to hospital straight away where tests and scans etc confirmed the worst. Eptopic and it had ruptured. I had the pregnancy my right tube removed on 29th nov. :expressionless:

It was horrible, mentally and physically draining.

I was never told that I would be incredibly fertile after a pregnancy or advised to use contraception. I assumed I would have a period before ovulating again. After about 2 and a half weeks I slept with my partner. I felt ok.Twice this happened.

3 weeks after my op I tested negative. A week later I started getting pains again on my right (no where near as bad but why on the right if my tube has been removed?) Little twinges on my left too. I was worried so did a test and it was POSITIVE! I called docs who monitored my hcg levels for a week 48hr apart. Around 170-183-169 so obviously something not right. Docs think it was another pregnancy but it could be tissue left over starting to grow? Pregnant again that soon?

Back to hospital today and after scans, blood and a horrible long stint of prodding around there was a suspicious mass around my left ovary, to early to tell whether in tube. Again this broke my heart. To think both my tubes could be rubbish or my body just wont be able to have a normal pregnancy is devastating. I have decided to take methotrexate tomorrow to clear it up rather than ‘wait and see’ which was one of the options. Can’t bare to risk my other tube right now even though that one may be damaged too.

Has anyone been through a similar situation and something worked out for them or what steps do I take now? I’m definitely going to give my body a break and go straight back on the pill. But 6 months down the line we’re hoping to give it another go. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for listening xxxx

Bless you xxx I do not have the answers to your questions but couldn’t not post to say that I am thinking of you and wish you luck and a speedy recovery in your treatment xxx

Thank you so much! So strange. I’m more nervous today than I was going into surgery. I hope the side effects aren’t too bad. Just want to get back to normality xx