I am 4 weeks 2 days after my emergency ectopic with rupture and left tube removal.
I have been told trying to conceive in the first 3 months raises the risks to 15% of another ectopic.
I really want to try again, now.
My question is has anyone here been in the same situation? Trying when you’ve been advised to wait? If so what was the outcome?
Thank you.
Kristina xxx
Dear Kristina,
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss.
I truly understand the desire to conceive following ectopic pregnancy however we stand by your medical advise in waiting for two menstrual cycles. It is important to allow time for your body to recover and emotions to surface and be worked through. This is so that you have some comfort that your body is returning to its natural rhythm and you have a last menstrual period date from which to date a new pregnancy - key information in checking you are not suffering from an ectopic pregnancy in the future. Please note that the first bleed soon after surgery for ectopic pregnancy is not classed as a period as it is the body’s response to falling hormone levels.
Sending much love,
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
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Hi Kristina,
So sorry to hear of your loss, I’m haven’t been in exactly the same situation as you, however I did conceive two weeks after a miscarriage and that subsequent pregnancy was ectopic (I had surgery last week, and this is my first post here).
I understand your desire to try again, and I felt completely ready at the time too. In hindsight I wish I had waited (the nurses still say that they only advise waiting after a miscarriage (as opposed to an ectopic) in order to date subsequent pregnancies but I did a bit of research and apparently it’s common for your oestrogen levels to be lower in the cycle after a m/c and oestrogen is involved in the function of the Fallopian tube. Obviously I will never know what caused the ectopic, but I do wonder if conceiving so quickly contributed, and I wish I had waited. In reality it would have only been a few weeks I’d have had to wait to try again, whereas now not only have I had surgery, but also the combined delay of the 7 weeks being pregnant with the ectopic and now a further 3months before trying again.
I am struggling to know how long to wait this time, I really want to give myself enough time to heal and hormones to settle, but I also really want another child, and don’t want to add extra ‘waiting’ time that’s not necessary, but not sure anyone has the answer to that do they?!
Sorry not to give you a more positive story, but I feel the stakes are even higher after an ectopic than a miscarriage, so I just wanted to share my experience.
Good luck whatever you choose.
Rach xx