pregnant within 4 weeks after ectopic

Oh lord

Is it possible to conceive after and ectopic rupture pregnancy within 4.5 weeks?

Hi hun I’m preg too straight after an ectopic. Freaking out is not the word. I had an ectopic preg dec 9th with removal of my right tube. Not had an period since then. Checked preg tester and it’s positive!!! I have an ultra scan at epu on 23rd to check if it’s in the right place.


Not been on the board for ages (used to be a regular).

Just a quick reassurance that yes, you can get pregnant within four weeks of an ectopic, and you can go on to have a normal pregnancy.

I conceived quickly after my ectopic pregnancy (I actually don’t remember now, but I know it was much faster than I expected). I now have a lovely three year old. :slight_smile:

Lots of ladies have similar stories. Crossing my fingers for you.


Hey ladies , I have just recently gone through an ectopic pregnancy . I had to have my right tube removed last week and I’m so depressed . Although the doctors say I can have kids in the future I’m so scared . I’m only 20 and really want kids in the near future . Has anyone had there tube removed and conceived naturally ?

I came here looking for a little bit of hope. I’m 23, I had an ectopic in December 14 left tube removed. I just found out I’m pregnant again currently 4 weeks. Have a docs appointment tomorrow to get a referral to the EPU. So yes Becky you can conceive naturally. I just hope this one is in the right place.

4 weeks? My doctors told me not to have sex for six weeks and not to try for a baby until I had had two periods as the chances of have another Eptopic are the highest in the first two months.

Is this not correct? Do people start trying before?

Also does anyone knows if your HGC levels fall immediately after the surgery?