TTC February 2018


Thought I would set up a thread for anyone TTC this month, after an ectopic, who wants to offer each other support. This is my second month TTC after an ectopic 3 years ago. I am in the 2 week wait and have done about 5 tests already this month, all negative. My period due date is tomorrow so will test again if aunty flow does not come. Finding I am thinking about possibly being pregnant a lot! Have managed to stay quite positive this month, which is unusual for me!

Would love to hear from any other ladies out there in the 2 week wait or who are trying to conceive!


Morning starfish 12.

I am also ttc after ectopics and missed miscarriage.

1st ectopic was October 2016 (5w&5d) treatment was methotrexate. 2ed pregnancy was a missed miscarriage at 13 weeks my beautiful boy. 3rd pregnancy was an ectopic caught at 3 weeks plus also treated with methotrexate.

I have took the leap of faith and started trying again am only 1dpo. So nervous.

How you holding up?

Hi Quenkelz84,

Thank you for your messages.

I’m so sorry to hear about your losses. That must be so hard having had three in succession, what an awful time for you. I understand what you mean by being brave, it does take courage to try again.

My app has changed its mind and says I am due tomorrow (using an app called fertility friend to track my cycles). My cycles are not 100% regular, however based on my most recent ones it should arrive on Saturday or Sunday. I’m feeling quite nervous and noticing every little twinge or feeling! I usually get twinges on my right side, where I had my tube removed, since the ectopic and operation. However this month I am having more sensations on the left. I am hoping and visualising a healthy happy pregnancy that has travelled down my remaining tube and is implanting in the womb. Fingers crossed! Based on the last 2 month of trying I seem to find this part of the month hardest, I just want to know either way. Hopefully all will become clear in a couple of days, will keep you posted! I guess you have a longer wait in store.

Ae you doing anything to support yourself through the two week wait?


Hi starfish.

Fingers crossed for you honey, I have read a lot and apparently the brain is a powerful tool if you 100% think positive and visualise the healthy baby in the right place and then you holding them it works, but then you always have that little fear that creeps up on you it’s so hard that’s the only thing am doing. This is my first month ttc again my last ectopic was Sept 2017. Fingers crossed the egg is fertilised and just travelling down too and end up in the right spot then hopefully it will be a sticky baby.

I always have pain, (pulling & tugging sensations) on the left side, same as where my eps where I get it every months throughout my full cycle it’s crazy.

I hope it all works out honey, the tww is hard enough then once we see the 2 lines our heads go into overdrive.

I alway try and say things happen for a reason and do my best to think positive here is hoping we get out rainbow back y very soon.

Ps keep me posted if that’s okay and I will with you.



Wishing you both luck TTC this month. I had an ectopic pregnancy just two days ago whereby they removed my right fallopian tube. I am so hopeful that my periods return to normal very soon so we can TTC again, just feeling worried it will take a long time.

My consultant actually advised me to have the tube removed but I am not sure whether the 1 in 10 chances of second ectopic applies to those who still have both tubes or those who had a tube removed?

Wishing you lots of luck x

Hi Starfish, Quenkelz & Safjaf

I’m so sorry to hear of all your loses. It really is such a horribly traumatic time. It will be 2 weeks on Tuesday since I suffered my ectopic. I lost my left tube and they also noticed that my other tube looked congested and fluid filled so they drained during the operation. I’m getting stronger now physically but emotionally I think it is the toughest thing I have ever been through. Things are getting better slowly but surely but it’s definitely going to be a bumpy ride for a few months. We all must stay strong and as you say Quenkelz stay positive.

I’m desperate to make love to my husband, not only to try to concieve but to have that intamacy which we’re both missing so much. I also want to crack on whilst I know my remaining tube is drained to increase my chances before we likely need to move to ivf. Physically I’m still recovering, incisions still healing and everything still feeling a bit tender inside but hoping in another week or so we’ll be able to give it a go. Period still not come and I’m still testing positive as pregnant although the hcg is reducing so hopefully once all that is out of my system my next cycle will begin. Would love to stay in touch on here to see how everyone is doing in their efforts and support each other.

Stay strong ladies! We can do this x

Good to hear from you Safjav, Chiara Gunnell and Quenkelz. Sorry to hear about your experiences Gunnell and Chiara Gunnell, very recent for you guys, and you too Quenkelz. 3 years for me (our first was not particularly planned, and then we wanted to try again but had some other big life events that delayed this for us).

My aunty flow decided to show yesterday, so no luck for me this month. I feel a huge sense of relief at the same time as being dissapointed - I feel relieved to know that at least I am not having another ectopic. Such a contradiction of emotions. I am glad the 2 week wait is over as at least I know where I am now. Thinking of you guys that are in the 2 week wait still.

Good luck recovering from your opp Chiara Gunnell. I think there is some guidance on the website about how long they recommend waiting before TTC again, incase you have not already seen it.

Take care all and hang in there :slight_smile:


hello girls

safjaf - sorry for your loss, the woman’s body is a very magical thing well i like to think that, even if you ovulate from the side your tube has been removed the other tube can reach your egg. my sister only had 1 tube when she sadly lost it with her first ectopic it was also her first pregnancy now has 5 children this keeps me going, i still have both my tubes.

Chiara Gunnell - sorry to hear about your loss as well, i was treated with mtx but for me physical aspect of it was easy for me, the emotional side well totally different ball game, what a hell of a roller coaster ride you must be feeling, i was lucky i managed to be intimate with my husband 2 weeks after shot, we both just had to be close to each other so totally get it, hopefully wont be too long where you can be close to yours.

Starfish - sorry to hear you didn’t get your BFP but i totally get where your coming from about it being a little bit of a relief, always next month of baby dance

well am 5dpo feeling okay a lot of tugging sensations on the left side where my ep is but i get that every month. my breasts are sore when like running or walking down stairs, i did get sore breasts before my periods came but not for awhile now and not this early, not looking in to it much, but i have been wet a lot and getting ewcm so never know lol, not hoping for much this month as its first time after my ectopic.


I’m ttc after surgery for an ectopic on the 6/01/18… I’m currently waiting to see if we have been blessed a baby that finds it way to the right place (our last baby decided to take a nap in my tube and got very comfy) !!

The wait is killing me!!! I’m trying to be positive but I can’t help but worry. I lost my right tube but having a lot of twinges/ dull ache on my left side… this is making me worry a lot!!

Good luck to all who are trying

Hello NatB87

Sorry for your loss and what you had to go through.

How many dpo are you?

Fingers crossed that the next pregnancy finds itself in the right spot. It’s hard not to be worried I am all the time. Am 7dpo just keep thinking implanted withing the next few days. I do have tugging sensation on the left side but that’s where my Ep was and I get that every month even before I started trying again this months its so hard to know what’s going on.

Wish you all the best and am here if you to to talk x

Sorry for your loss natB87.

Thinking of all of you still in the 2ww.

I am not looking forward to the upcoming 2ww for me from a weeks time. I also had a difficult couple of moments today, as some close friends of ours announced they are pregnant. This is after 2 Other of our close friends have recently become pregnant too. Then we bumped into an old friend with her 2 kids and another bun in the oven! These seem to be loads of people due in April- August this year. Feel like we are being left behind. Hoping it happens for us this month.

Hang in there everyone!

Does anyone know of any good visualisation/ meditations for fertility? I found one on ‘Circle and Bloom’ with a different one for each day of your cycle, but it’s quite pricey. Looking for a cheaper option.

Much love and baby dust to you all!


Feeling a bit worried as I had a really sharp pin on my left side (where my remaining tube is) earlier on. I don’t get pains on that side, and not usually that intense. Also have been spotting for 2 extra days since period ended. Period was not as heavy as normal and was a little brown (this used to be my normal but they have been more red recently). Did a pregnancy test but negative. Just wondering if there is a chance I could be having an ectopic if pregnancy test shows as negative. I’m peobably not but I know you have to be alert if there is a chance you could be. Would appreciate some advice.


Hi starfish12. I hope you don’t mind me jumping on your thread. I would say if you’re at all worried to phone your EPU or where you were treated. So they can provide reassurance. I’m 10 months post surgery from an EP and TTC but my periods have been all over the place which adds to the worry of the 2 week wait! I completely understand your comment above about mixed emotions of getting a period. I’ve found myself obsessing over colour, length, heaviness of my periods all probably normal but I’ve never noticed before! It’s a complete rollercoaster. Did you find any meditation? I’d be interested in this. Hope you’re ok x

Hi starfish

I would go and get check out honey if you have concerns it’s always better being safe than sorry.

Am on 10dpo took a hpt and a bfn wasn’t expecting much as first months ttc again but u can’t help being a little upset… I have been getting lower back pain left side as Ep as well not sure what that is. Could af signs or hopefully pregnancy but knowing my luck af will show either thur or Friday.

Let me know how u are.

Hello emmy_g yes the tww is so stressful having a Ep definitely does take the excitement out it.

Wish you’s all the best for the future rainbow babies

Good evening all,

5 years ago i suffered 2 tubal ectopic pregnancies in the space of 8 months. Both tubes are still intact, with no blockages.

First one was managed by methotrexate. The 2nd one was managed by expectant management.

Now. 5 years on i want to try to conceive again via AI from May.

I used to smoke before 2013 but in 2014 i quit smoking via cold turkey.

I do believe that smoking played a part in the ectopics, aswell an infection due to ici insemination procedure.

Now what is the likeyhood of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy now after 5 years? I am nervous and scared.

Also can the damage to my tubes be reversed (if there was any damage due to smoking)

I did have a hsg test done in 2014 and this came out normal

Thanks in advance

Hi Ladies,

I had my ectopic at the end of August 17 which resulted in me losing my right tube. We’ve been TTC again since November but no luck so far…

I’ve never posted on a forum before but lots of what you’re all saying is very familiar to me, and as I don’t know any people in “real life” that have suffered from EP’s I thought I’d say Hi!

I get weird twinges each month and like you said Emmy_g, I’m also obsessing over any changes to my period, even though it’s probably just the same things I’ve always had but never noticed before! I’m lucky enough to already have one daughter but am now at a point where it feels like everyone I know is having more babies… (At least 10 friends have had babies or announced that they’re pregnant since I had my Ectopic!)

I tried acupuncture for a couple of months but am having a break from that as it’s pretty expensive, but would love to hear what anyone else is trying!

Keeping my fingers crossed for us all! Xx

Thanks for posting gals!

Emmy_G and Quennkelz84 thanks for your thoughts! I have not had any more twinges since that one full on one and pregnancy tests still showing as negative, so feeling less worried. My breasts are a tiny bit more tender than they normally are at this time of the month too but not massively. I think I will call the EPU tomorrow just to get there thoughts but I think I am fine.

Emmy_G I decided to get the expensive relaxation/visualisation audio in the end as I couldn’t find anything I liked the look of as much. Its got 28 days of audio relevant to the day of your cycle, and gets you to image your body working as it should. I like that I will be guided through imagining an egg traveling down my tube etc. Its from ‘Circle and Bloom’ - I’ve only done one day so far and felt super relaxed after it!

Keep us posted Quenkelz. Fingers crossed for you!

Good to hear from you Luazie and ClareC82- I’m so sorry to hear of your losses.

Good luck Lauzie - Im in the third month ttc now, so we are in a similar boat. I’ve been having fertility abdominal massages once a month around ovulation. I’ve also learn the self massage to do at home.

ClareC82, I am not sure if tubal damage can be undone, I wonder if one of the site hosts could answer your question.

Good luck to you all!


Great to hear you haven’t had any more twinges starfish12! Did you call the EPU in the end?

I actually ended up going to A&E the first month after we started trying again as I was having pains just like I had during my ectopic and my period seemed to be behaving differently…It was really scary but fortunately everything was ok… I think just my body still getting back to normal.

I haven’t heard of fertility abdominal massages but defo going to check it out! :slight_smile:

Hi, I havn’t called them as I think it was really just one very big twinge and have had just the usual pains since then. Also feel pretty normal and not alarmed so am feeling like everything is OK. My chart and other signs seem pretty normal. Still negative test. So I am feeling reassured. I am approaching ovulation now and will soon be in the 2ww again!

Hearing your story Lauzie, it makes me wonder if ttc again does something to your body. like whether your body reacts to sperm being present or something!

Any news Quenkelz?

Happy to hear everyone is okay,

Af has arrived tonight, it was just my first month ttc so am actually okay about it. Can’t wait to get my positive opk and get busy again lol