Hi everyone,
In June 2020, I was rushed to the ER for chronic pain and was later told I was having an Ectopic Pregnancy (I was 8 weeks pregnant). Due to internal bleeding, I had to have my (L) Fallopian tube removed. During my surgery, I was told that my ovaries, uterus and (R) Fallopian looked great. My OB recommended an HSG test to make sure my (R) tube was open to prevent the risk of having another Ectopic.
On Monday, I had the HSG test and was told that my tube was open but there was a little bit of scar tissue below the tube. My OB recommended that I follow up with an infertility specialist, which I thought was a little harsh considering my husband and I just start trying to have a baby in April, conceived but it ended as an Ectopic… and my tube is in fact open. We are both 29 and healthy.
I have been reading some posts about how the majority of women are not referred for an HSG test following their Ectopic and are recommended to just wait two cycles before trying again. I would really appreciate it if someone could shed some light on their experience or provide any information as I’m really having a difficult time processing everything. If I had never had the test, I wouldn’t know about the tiny bit of scar tissue and we would be trying to conceive naturally. Thank you in advance
looking to hear other people’s opinions on this and keep asking myself, if I had never had this test done in the first place… I wouldn’t have known about the little scar tissue below my tube and we would be trying to conceive naturally anyways.