Travel after being treated with methotrexate

I was treated for ectopic pregnancy with methotrexate on 30th Jan. The pregnancy was in the right tube. The bHCG level is decreasing since then, and I had terrible pains and heavy bleeding for few days. Recent blood tests show Hcg at 98 on 19th Feb. Is is okay for me to take a 2.5 hrs flight? By now I guess they would have declined further. At what level is it okay to take a short flight assuming I am accompanied by a family member.

Dear Vandana,

I am sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and I will do my best to help with your questions.

Your doctors would need to keep monitoring you until your hCG levels are back down to non-pregnant levels ie below 5mIU/ml. This would mean that you’d need to continue going into hospital for repeated blood tests to ensure this happens and it is very important that you attend those appointments. While I do not want to alarm you, there is still also the risk of rupture until hormone levels have returned to non-pregnant levels and you would not want to risk this happening while on a flight. In addition, many airlines would not permit you to travel while undergoing treatment and also travel insurance may not cover you.

Once your hormone levels are back down to non-pregnant levels, you should be able to travel, providing your doctors are ok for you to do so. I would speak to doctors as soon as your levels are down to let them know of your plans.

With good wishes,


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