Hi all,
After two weeks of investigation, I was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy on 6th August and received the methotrexate injection on the 7th. I had little to no side effects after the jab, except feeling super tired, and unfortunately while my HCG levels decreased, they didn’t reduce by the expected 15% between days 4 and 7.
As by this point I wasn’t in any pain or had any bleeding, it was decided that I would continue to be monitored with no further intervention at this point – I was also due to get married on 17th August.
On 15th August, I admitted myself to A&E after experiencing severe pain in my stomach and some bleeding. But after a transvaginal scan, there was no sign of internal bleeding so I was sent home again.
I made it through my wedding day with only cramps and slight bleeding, but the pain returned on the Sunday night and lasted for over an hour. I again went back to A&E and after a 5 hour wait, they decided they would operate the following morning.
Come Monday morning, I am prepped for surgery – cannula in, gown on – then one final scan and blood test show my levels had dropped from 1200 to 600 and there was no indication of rupture, so again I was sent home.
My latest blood test yesterday (21st August) shows my levels have dropped to 400, but the ectopic hasn’t changed in size. I am due to go on holiday on 26th August – driving to Belgium – and have two more blood tests before then. I have been warned that the consultant might advise me not to travel, but I was also previously told that my situation would be “resolved” one way or another by my wedding day.
I’m reluctant to cancel my holiday when I suspect my levels will be very low by that point, I’m not flying, and we could all certainly use the break – for my mental health at least!
Has anyone travelled not long after a dose of methotrexate? What HCG levels did you have when travelling and what precautions did you take?
Thanks in advance,