Too soon to ttc? Husband and I unhappy

Ok so I had my sedond ectopic in August same tube and had this removed (left) right tube perfectly healthy apparently (still scared) myself and husband have been up and down since our second ectopic, we are a very loving husband and wife and are best friends we never argued much and inky since we have lived somewhere we both don’t like and had another ectopic things have gone downhill. I’m suffering from depression and am getting what help I can at the moment, I am seeing a social worker/councillor who is helpful but I need more. I want to try and conceive soon because I’m nearly 32 and if we cannot conceive with the right tube we want to start saving for ivf and be under 35 to do I find treatment. But me and my husband aren’t getting in, he’s unhappy at work, I’m dealing with losing another baby, I’m at home alone a lot and I have no friends or family, I’m so miserable but I’m trying to get out of it. I just wish I had t had another ectopic then me and my husband would be happy :frowning: we were going to try and conceive this month but he’s depressed too and now I’m downstairs alone with my 5% bottle of wine in the dark :frowning: I hope there is good times ahead of my misery. I’d love some cheerful stories to out my mind at rest and to make me feel like I’m not a failure. I hope I can give him children :frowning:

I’m sorry you’re going through this all. It is so stressful and sad to go through EPs, and the hormones alone do a number on us. I hope things start to look up for you. Read through some of the posts on here, and you should find some cheerful stories.