Hi all, I was signposted here from another forum. It’s been a rollercoaster couple of weeks with no end in sight right now…
2 weeks ago I got my surprise BFP. As I wasn’t sure on dates I had an early scan on Thursday. At the time I was told that there was a gestational sac that put me around six weeks but couldn’t get a proper look. Then they mentioned sac was slightly irregular shape, but likely because so early.
I then had a call on Friday asking me to attend local EPAU urgently as a consultant had looked at my scans. They really weren’t happy with my scan and wanted to rule out any problems.
Had blood taken in EPAU after a long five hour wait to be seen. I was promised they’d ring with results later that evening. At the time I had no pain and no bleeding.
I rang the ward about midnight as has heard nothing, and was told I’d get a call in the morning. I then chased several times during the day as I had developed pain in lower right side and in to my hip. Kept being told they would call me back. Eventually I called again and was advised to go in for assessment, because at that point I was rolling around on the floor in pain. Still no bleeding.
Finally got blood results - 964, was told should be closer to 1500, and I was likely starting to miscarry. They examined me and gave me some strong pain relief and sent me home, with instructions to return Sunday for another blood test, in which they expected to see the numbers falling.
Finally got results of Sunday’s blood test just now. Numbers have gone up, but only by about 15% in 48 hours, which is indicating I likely have an ectopic pregnancy.
Unsurprisingly I’m anxious, extremely stressed out and still in pain (though better controlled with stronger pain killers). I have found dealing with EPAU to be an extremely frustrating and slow process.
Next step is back again tomorrow for repeat bloods. Again. With advice to attend rather rapidly if serious changes in the meantime. Depending on results they plan to then scan later in the week.
I’'ll be completely honest, I’m terrified. Having done all the reading I can, I tick so many risk boxes - over 35, previous c section as well as multiple abdominal surgeries, endometriosis… The list goes on.